Verified Voting on the South Carolina Primary

Whatever happened in the Senate primary,the fact is that South Carolina, has an unverifiable and therefore unacceptable voting system.…

A few key quotes from the statement:

Whether specific reports of irregularities in this election are confirmed, the most important fact about South Carolina’s voting system is that most ballots cannot be effectively audited or recounted. Serious concerns about the integrity of the primary (and of other elections conducted using the same technology) are inevitable, and legitimate.


We support calls for the forensic investigation of available records in the South Carolina primary, and urge that such records be preserved in the same way that paper ballots are retained for examination for a sufficient period of time post-election.  However, like in Sarasota County, absent evidence of voter intent the ultimate findings may still not be sufficient to generate confidence in the outcome of this contest.


Whatever the outcome, we strongly urge citizens and policymakers in the state and in the nation at large to use this moment to insist on their right to voting systems that demonstrate trustworthiness rather than demand trust. Congressman Rush Holt’s and Senator Bill Nelson’s Voter Confidence and Increased Accessibility Act would require that all Federal elections employ a system of paper ballots marked by the voter, with random hand-counted audits to check electronic tallies of the ballots. There has never been a better time for Congress to pass this critically needed legislation. The voters and the public deserve no less.