Research 2000 for Daily Kos (4/20-22, registered voters, no trendlines). First up, the gubernatorial race:
Tom Schieffer (D): 37
Rick Perry (R-inc): 52
Undecided: 11Tom Schieffer (D): 35
Kay Bailey Hutchison(R): 57
Undecided: 8
(MoE: ±4%)
Tom Schieffer’s favorables are at 26-11, Rick Perry’s at 51-43 and KBH’s 64-29. Obviously we’ll want to face Perry if we hope to have much if any chance here. But even though R2K didn’t test the Republican primary, the favorability ratings among the GOP show what other polls have – KBH soars at 86-8 among members of her own party, while Perry sits back at a 76-19 rating. Still, I’m not willing to write Perry off for dead just yet.
And the Senate race:
John Sharp (D): 36
Greg Abbott (R): 43John Sharp (D): 37
David Dewhurst (R): 44John Sharp (D): 37
Michael Williams (R): 34John Sharp (D): 37
Florence Shapiro (R): 33Bill White (D): 36
Greg Abbott (R): 42Bill White (D): 37
David Dewhurst (R): 43Bill White (D): 38
Michael Williams (R): 34Bill White (D): 38
Florence Shapiro (R): 33
(MoE: ±4%)
As you can see, it doesn’t much seem to matter who is paired against whom – the two Dems pull 36-38, while the better-known Rs (Abbott and Dewhurst) get 42-44 and the lesser-knowns (Williams and Shapiro) take 33-34. And this race, of course, might not ever happen, or at least, might not happen for a long time.
You probably also saw the delightful finding that fully half of Texas Republicans want Texas to be an independent nation, and more than half approve of Perry’s secessionist comments. Maybe he’s found a winning campaign issue! Anyhow, who wants to help `em pack?