House ’08: Help find a challenger!

Recent news that Linda Stender, Eric Massa, Dan Maffei and Larry Kissell, to name a few, are all considering rematches inspired me to create  a diary to help find challengers to vulnerable Republicans. Who better to suggest candidates than people who live in or no these districts on an intimate level.

Finding the next Harry Mitchell could turn a Safe GOP seat into a pickup.

Here’s my list of the top fifty GOP house seats that could be in danger in 2008.

Rogers, Mike, Alabama, 3rd
Renzi, Rick, Arizona, 1st
Bilbray, Brian P., California, 50th
Doolittle, John, California, 4th
Musgrave, Marilyn, Colorado, 4th
Shays, Christopher, Connecticut, 4th
Castle, Michael N*., Delaware, At Large
Keller, Ric, Florida 8th
Young, C.W. Bill*, Florida, 10th
Buchanan, Vern, Florida, 13th
Latham, Tom *, Iowa, 4th
Roskam, Peter J., Illinois, 6th
Kirk, Mark., Illinois, 10th
Souder, Mark E., Indiana, 3rd
Walberg, Timothy, Michigan, 7th
Rogers, Mike, Michigan, 8th
Knollenberg, Joseph, Michigan, 9th
McCotter, Thaddeus, Michigan, 11th
Bachmann, Michele, Minnesota, 6th
Ramstad, Jim *, Minnesota, 3rd
Rehberg, Dennis, Montana, At Large
Fortenberry, Jeff, Nebraska, 1st
Terry, Lee, Nebraska, 2nd
Ferguson, Michael, New Jersey, 7th
Garrett, Scott, New Jersey, 5th
LoBiondo, Frank, New Jersey, 2nd
Heller, Dean, Nevada, 2nd
Porter, Jon, Nevada, 3rd
Kuhl Jr., John R. “Randy”, New York, 29th
Wilson, Heather, New Mexico, 1st
King, Pete, New York, 3rd
Fossella, Vito, New York, 13th
Reynolds, Thomas M., New York, 26th
Walsh, Jim, New York, 25th
Hayes, Robin, North Carolina, 8th
Chabot, Steve, Ohio, 1st
Schmidt, Jean, Ohio, 2nd
Tiberi, Pat, Ohio, 12th
Pryce, Deborah, Ohio, 15th
Regula, Ralph *, Ohio, 16th
English, Phil, Pennsylvania, 3rd
Gerlach, Jim, Pennsylvania, 6th
Dent, Charles W., Pennsylvania, 15th
Murphy, Tim, Pennsylvania, 18th
Paul, Ron, Texas, 14th
Drake, Thelma D., Virginia, 2nd
Wolf, Frank, Virginia, 10th
Davis, Tom, Virginia, 11th
Reichert, David G., Washington, 8th
Ryan, Paul*, Wisconsin, 1st
Capito, Shelley Moore, West Virginia, 2nd
Cubin, Barbara, Wyoming, At Large

* This race is only competitive if the incumbent retires or runs for another office.

2006 left us with few “low hanging fruit” targets.

Seats like PA-06, NV-03, OH-15, NY-25, NC-08 WA-08 and NM-01  need top challenges, as do lower tier races like IL-10 and PA-15. Let’s find the next batch of Democratic Congresspeople.

Here’s some names to start with: Steve Udall in AZ-01, Andy Dinniman in PA-06 and Joe Turnham in AL-2

DCCC Unveils New Frontline Incumbents Slate

During the 2006 election cycle, you may recall that the DCCC had a modestly-sized “Frontline 10” program, identifying potentially endangered incumbents for additional support and resources.  In 2006, that slate included Reps. John Barrow (GA-12), Melissa Bean (IL-08), Leonard Boswell (IA-03), Chet Edwards (TX-17), Stephanie Herseth (SD-AL), Brian Higgins (NY-27), Jim Matheson (UT-02), Charlie Melancon (LA-03), Dennis Moore (KS-03), and John Salazar (CO-03).

Unsurprisingly, with the surge of freshmen Democrats entering the House last November, this program has been expanded dramatically to 29 incumbents:

Jason Altmire (PA-04)
Michael Arcuri (NY-24)
John Barrow (GA-12)
Melissa Bean (IL-08)
Leonard Boswell (IA-03)
Christopher Carney (PA-10)
Joe Courtney (CT-02)
Joe Donnelly (IN-02)
Chet Edwards (TX-17)
Brad Ellsworth (IN-08)
Gabrielle Giffords (AZ-08)
Kirsten Gillibrand (NY-20)
John Hall (NY-19)
Baron Hill (IN-09)
Paul Hodes (NH-02)
Steve Kagen (WI-08)
Ron Klein (FL-22)
Nick Lampson (TX-22)
Tim Mahoney (FL-16)
Jim Marshall (GA-08)
Jerry McNerney (CA-11)
Harry Mitchell (AZ-05)
Christopher Murphy (CT-05)
Patrick Murphy (PA-08)
Ciro Rodriguez (TX-23)
Heath Shuler (NC-11)
Zack Space (OH-18)
Tim Walz (MN-01)
John Yarmuth (KY-03)

Barrow, Bean, Boswell, and Edwards appear to be the only holdovers from the class of 2006.  Rep. Jim Marshall is the only non-freshman addition to this list.

On the face of it, there are some fairly surprising omissions from this list: fresmen Reps. David Loebsack (IA-02), Carol Shea-Porter (NH-01), Nancy Boyda (KS-02), and Joe Sestak (PA-07).  But before jumping to conclusions, I touched bases with the DCCC, and they released the following statement regarding the omission of Shea-Porter and Boyda:

Representatives Boyda and Shea-Porter ran strong, independent grassroots campaigns. Should the Republicans target them with misleading or baseless attacks we stand ready to help.

That has me breathing a lot easier.  Boyda and Shea-Porter won on the strength of intensely local, intensely grassroots campaigns, and it seems clear that the DCCC will let them do their own thing in their re-election bids, but will not hesitate to intervene with independent expenditures should the Republicans attack machine land some body blows against these Representatives.

The omission of Sestak and Loebsack is probably based on the DCCC’s confidence in Democrats being able to hold districts with a Democratic lean (D+3.6 for Sestak, and D+6.9 for Loebsack).  I won’t disagree with that, but Loebsack probably could use some extra scratch to more firmly entrench himself in his district.

The other omission that I’m seeing here is Rep. Julia Carson (IN-07).  While she may represent a decently Democratic district (Kerry did win 58% here, after all), her 8-point victory against a badly underfunded challenger in 2006 has got to be cause for concern.  Perhaps the DCCC is betting on a retirement here.  Who knows.

In 2006, we saw an mini-sized Frontline Program and an huge Red To Blue list.  Expect a reversal in 2008.

Senate 2008 Retirement Watch

(From the diaries. – promoted by James L.)

(Cross-posted on my DKos diary.  I originally posted this to my blog on February 4, but I want to get the input of the DKos and SSP communities on the topic.  What have you heard in your states?  Note that since I posted this, Thad Cochran has delayed his retirement vs. re-election bid decision, and Pete Domenici has made stronger assertions toward a re-election bid.  Also, Frank Lautenberg has made his intentions crystal clear.)

We know that the numbers favor Senate Democrats in 2008.  21 GOP vs. 12 Democratic Senators up for re-election gives the GOP a great deal more territory to have to protect.  And, as hard as it can be to hold incumbent seats, it’s even harder to retain open seats.  This again favors the Democrats, as there are many more Republican Senators on “Retirement Watch.”

DSCC Chair Chuck Schumer has said that he has gotten assurances from every Democratic Senator that they are all running for re-election, except for Iowa’s Tom Harkin, who has since demonstrated public steps toward a re-election bid.

Aside from Harkin, I’m not sold that New Jersey’s Frank Lautenberg is definitely going to run for re-election, which might not be a bad thing given Lautenberg’s low approval ratings and NJ’s wealth of Democratic Congresspeople waiting for a promotion, not to mention that Lautenberg is the Democrats’ oldest 2008 incumbent by just over a decade.

Also, Delaware’s Joe Biden is looking at the White House, but is hardly a favorite to win the nomination in 2008, meaning that he will likely opt for Senate re-election and have plenty of time to do so.

This leaves only the recovering Tim Johnson of South Dakota as a significant question mark, and even his camp is showing signs, from staffing to fundraising, that a re-election bid could still be on the horizon, health-permitting.

Meanwhile, more than half of the GOP’s 21 incumbents are on the retirement watch spectrum.  After spending much of the last decade-plus in the majority party, many of these Senators will find that spending 2007 in the minority will make for a less pleasant work environment.  And with many states, like Colorado and Virginia, on a blue-trend, some Republican Senators may opt for retirement rather than risking ending their career on a loss.  Beyond that, many Republican Senators are just really old.

1) Colorado’s Wayne Allard: Definitely retiring

2) Maine’s Susan Collins: Is under a self-imposed term-limit-pledge, but is planning a re-election bid.  However, if Tom Allen gets in the race and Collins’ broken promise becomes a major issue, with polling going strongly Allen’s way, it’s not inconceivable that Collins would step aside

3) Virginia’s John Warner: Publicly leans one way, then publicly leans the other – definitely considering retirement

4) Alaska’s Ted Stevens: Is 200 years old and threatens to retire every time he doesn’t get his way on a vote – claims to be preparing for a re-election bid, but we’ll see

5) Mississippi’s Thad Cochran: Publicly undecided on a re-election bid and says he may not make up his mind until November

6) Nebraska’s Chuck Hagel: Considering a White House bid, with rumors afoot that he may retire from the Senate regardless of a Presidential bid

7) Tennessee’s Lamar Alexander: Was considering retiring until he received choice committee assignments – still not publicly confirmed for re-election, though – if he dislikes serving in the minority enough, he may just hang it up

8) New Mexico’s Pete Domenici: not publicly committed to a re-election bid, as rumors of retirement thoughts persist, as well as rumors of a questionable mental state, including wandering the halls of Congress in his pajamas

9) North Carolina’s Elizabeth Dole: her staff has claimed that she’s planning on re-election, but she has not made any definitive comments; meanwhile, many factors, including her age, her horrible job as NRSC Chair, and her recent hip replacement, suggest that retirement may be a strong possibility – also, polling has the reluctant Mike Easley ahead of Dole; if he got in, maybe she’d prefer to avoid a tough re-election campaign

10) Texas’ John Cornyn: While he is very clearing planning a re-election bid, he is also one of Bush’s top choices (if not Bush’s first choice) for a Supreme Court opening should there be one more before the end of Bush’s term – granted, I’d rather have Cornyn in the Senate running for re-election than enjoying a lifetime seat on the Supreme Court

11) Oklahoma’s Jim Inhofe: Rumors exist that he is considering retirement, though this is a rare situation (perhaps akin to NJ’s Lautenberg) where the non-incumbent party might have an easier time beating the incumbent than a replacement (say former Governor Frank Keating)

12) Idaho’s Larry Craig: Another situation of more rumors circulating while Craig waits on a formal public announcement one way or the other

Running (or most likely running) for re-election: Saxby Chambliss (GA), Norm Coleman (MN), Mike Enzi (WY), Lindsey Graham (SC), Mitch McConnell (KY), Pat Roberts (KS), Jeff Sessions (AL), Gordon Smith (OR), John Sununu (NH)

Though only one retirement is announced, if the stars aligned well enough, the GOP could face a meltdown with more than a half-dozen retirements.  While we can’t hang our hats on that many open seats, we can probably expect a couple more to follow Wayne Allard.

By what margin will Bob Shamansky win?

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MN-Sen: Al Franken Makes It Official

Cross-posted from Minnesota Campaign Report – check back for more news on Franken’s kickoff.  Robin Marty is liveblogging Franken’s final show on Air America here at Minnesota Monitor – check that out too!

Today, entertainer Al Franken has made official his candidacy for the DFL nomination for U.S. Senate.

In his announcement, Franken discussed his background and focused on what government can do for families:  namely education assistance and social security: 

Your government should have your back.  That should be our mission in Washington, the one FDR gave us during another challenging time: freedom from fear.

Franken’s announcement follows that of fellow DFLer and trial lawyer Mike Ciresi, who announced the formation of an exploratory committee earlier this week.  Some twenty months from now, the DFL nominee will face off against incumbent Republican Norm Coleman for the seat once held by Paul Wellstone.

Some other choice quotes:

It’s different for middle-class families, too.  These families are being squeezed harder and harder every year.  Maybe you know what it’s like to be one health crisis away from bankruptcy. Maybe you, or your parents or grandparents, can’t afford prescriptions.  Maybe you have kids, and you’re worried about paying for their college.  Maybe someone you love is in Iraq, and you don’t know how long they’ll have to stay there, or what will happen when they come home.

President Clinton used to say that there’s nothing wrong with America that can’t be fixed by what’s right with America, or, as I would add, by what’s right with Minnesota.  We can lead the fight against global warming and dependence on foreign oil by developing new sources of renewable energy-and create good Minnesota jobs in the process.  We can lead the nation in finding life-saving cures by harnessing the potential of stem-cell research.  We can lead the nation by sending someone to the Senate who’ll be a voice for a strong and responsible America, one that uses its relationship with our allies to create a better and more secure world for ourselves and for future generations.

You’ll find the complete text of Franken’s announcement speech in the extended entry.

Hi, I’m Al Franken. I’m running for the United States Senate here in Minnesota.

I’d like to talk to you about why I’m running.

I’m not a typical politician.  I’ve spent my career as a comedian. Minnesotans have a right to be skeptical about whether I’m ready for this challenge, and to wonder how seriously I would take the responsibility that I’m asking you to give me.

I want you to know: nothing means more to me than making government work better for the working families of this state, and over the next twenty months I look forward to proving to you that I take these issues seriously. 

Today, however, I want to take a few moments to explain to you why I take these issues personally. 

My family moved to Albert Lea from New Jersey when I was four years old.  My dad never graduated high school and never had a career as such, but my mom’s father, my grandpa, owned a quilting factory out East and gave my dad a chance to start up a new factory in Albert Lea.  After about two years, the factory failed, and we moved up to the Twin Cities.

Years later, I asked my dad, “Why Albert Lea?”  And he said, “Well, your grandfather wanted to open a factory in the Midwest, and the railroad went through Albert Lea.”

So, I asked him, “Why did the factory fail?”

And he said, “Well, it went through Albert Lea, but it wouldn’t stop.”

That was my dad – great guy, terrible businessman.  He got a job as a printing salesman, and my mom worked as a real estate agent.  The four of us – I have an older brother, Owen – lived in a two-bedroom, one-bath house in St. Louis Park.

That was my childhood.  I grew up in a hard-working middle class family just like many of yours.  And as a middle-class kid growing up in Minnesota back then, I felt like the luckiest kid in the world.  And I was.

My wife, Franni, whom I met our freshman year of college, wasn’t quite as lucky.  When she was seventeen months old, her dad – a decorated veteran of World War II – died in a car accident, leaving her mother, my mother-in-law, widowed with five kids.

My mother-in-law worked in the produce department of a grocery store, but that family made it because of Social Security survivor benefits.  Sometimes there wasn’t enough food on the table, sometimes they turned off the heat in the winter – this was in Portland, Maine, almost as cold as Minnesota – but they made it.

Every single one of the four girls in Franni’s family went to college, thanks to Pell Grants and other scholarships.  My brother-in-law, Neil, went into the Coast Guard, where he became an electrical engineer.

And my mother-in-law got herself a $300 GI loan to fix her roof, and used the money instead to go to the University of Maine.  She became a grade school teacher, teaching Title One kids – poor kids – and so her loan was forgiven.

My mother-in-law and every single one of those five kids became a productive member of society.  Conservatives like to say that people need to pull themselves up by their bootstraps – and that’s a great idea.  But first, you’ve got to have the boots.  And the government gave my wife’s family the boots.

That’s what progressives like me believe the government is there for.  To provide security for middle-class families like the one I grew up in, and opportunity for working poor families like the one Franni grew up in.

By the way, I stole that boots line from Tim Walz, our great new congressman from Southern Minnesota. Tim’s father died when he was a kid, and he and his brother and his mom made it because of Social Security. 

Last year I traveled all over the state of Minnesota on behalf of Tim and other Democrats: from Waseca and Wabasha up to Fergus Falls and Detroit Lakes, over to Bemidji and the Iron Range, from Duluth down to Albert Lea, I was in Hastings and all over the metro, up in St. Cloud a few times, eating a lot of beans and buns and burgers and maybe a few too many Dairy Queens along the way.  But most importantly, I talked to Minnesotans and listened. 

They told me that they’re sick of politics as usual-and they’re sick of the usual politicians.

And I’ll tell you what else they told me.  It’s different now than it was for me and Franni.  When Franni’s sisters were using them to go to college, Pell Grants paid for 90% of a college education.  Today, they pay for 40%.  And President Bush, with the help of his Republican allies in Congress, have even tried to privatize Social Security.  You should have heard Franni when they tried to do that.

It’s different for middle-class families, too.  These families are being squeezed harder and harder every year.  Maybe you know what it’s like to be one health crisis away from bankruptcy. Maybe you, or your parents or grandparents, can’t afford prescriptions.  Maybe you have kids, and you’re worried about paying for their college.  Maybe someone you love is in Iraq, and you don’t know how long they’ll have to stay there, or what will happen when they come home.

Middle-class families today struggle with that feeling of insecurity-the sense that things can fall apart without notice, outside of your control.

Your government should have your back.  That should be our mission in Washington, the one FDR gave us during another challenging time: freedom from fear.

Americans have never backed away from challenges. And Minnesotans have always led the way. Our state has sent strong, progressive leaders to Washington-from Hubert Humphrey to Walter Mondale to Paul Wellstone, and now to Amy Klobuchar. Minnesota’s public servants might not always look and sound like typical politicians, but they stand by their principles and lead by their values. 

That’s the kind of leader I think we need more of these days, and that’s the kind of Senator I’ll be.

President Clinton used to say that there’s nothing wrong with America that can’t be fixed by what’s right with America, or, as I would add, by what’s right with Minnesota.  We can lead the fight against global warming and dependence on foreign oil by developing new sources of renewable energy-and create good Minnesota jobs in the process.  We can lead the nation in finding life-saving cures by harnessing the potential of stem-cell research.  We can lead the nation by sending someone to the Senate who’ll be a voice for a strong and responsible America, one that uses its relationship with our allies to create a better and more secure world for ourselves and for future generations.

My political hero is Paul Wellstone.  He used to say, “The future belongs to those who are passionate and work hard.” I may be a comedian by trade, but I’m passionate about the issues that matter to your family because they mattered to mine, too.  And I’m ready to work as hard as I can to help us build a better future together.

Thanks for listening, and I’ll see you on the trail.

GA-10: Candidates Emerge

Folling the tragic news of Charlie Norwood’s death, the Republican vultures took little time to circle the sky above his still-warm body. Two Democrats were also mentioned, but none yet have announced

State Senator Ralph Hudgens (R) — who lost runs for Congress in 1988, 1992 and 1994 — already announced he will run. Hudgens was the early frontrunner in the 1994 GOP primary, but Norwood defeated him in an upset. State Representative Barry Fleming (R) also is likely to run. State Representative Jeanette Jamieson (D) and former Athens-Clarke County Mayor Doc Eldridge (D) are also possible candidates, although CD-10 demographics favor the GOP.

No date has been announced yet, but we should be prepared to at least make the Republicans work for it.

2010 Senate Elections Open Thread

No, that’s not a typo.  Inspired by DailyKos diarists Senate 2008 Guru (whose own blog can be found here) and jedinecny, why don’t we look ahead–far ahead–to 2010 and ponder what the Senate race picture might look like.  34 seats are up for grabs in 2010, 19 held by Republicans, and 15 by Democrats:

Alabama (Shelby-R)
Alaska (Murkowski-R)
Arizona (McCain-R)
Arkansas (Lincoln-D)
California (Boxer-D)
Colorado (Salazar-D)
Connecticut (Dodd-D)
Florida (Martinez-R)
Georgia (Isakson-R)
Hawaii (Inouye-D)
Idaho (Crapo-R)
Illinois (Obama-D)
Indiana (Bayh-D)
Iowa (Grassley-R)
Kansas (Brownback-R)
Kentucky (Bunning-R)
Louisiana (Vitter-R)
Maryland (Mikulski-D)
Missouri (Bond-R)
Nevada (Reid-D)
New Hampshire (Gregg-R)
New York (Schumer-D)
North Carolina (Burr-R)
North Dakota (Dorgan-D)
Ohio (Voinovich-R)
Oklahoma (Coburn-R)
Oregon (Wyden-D)
Pennsylvania (Specter-R)
South Carolina (DeMint-R)
South Dakota (Thune-R)
Utah (Bennett-R)
Vermont (Leahy-D)
Washington (Murray-D)
Wisconsin (Feingold-D)

On the surface, that’s a fairly good plate for Democrats.  Remember, this is the culmination of the 2004 cycle, which by all measures was a disaster for Team Blue with the loss of 5 Southern seats due to retirements (Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, North Carolina, and South Carolina), so the GOP has already squeezed out a fair amount of blood from this class.  Perhaps it’s time for the pendulum to swing the other way.  It’d be hard to imagine unpopular Republican Sen. Jim Bunning, for instance, running again in 2010.  Bunning would leave an open seat for the likes of Democratic Rep. Ben Chandler, who would have a good shot against any Republican, and probably an even better shot should Bunning decide to throw another pitch into the mound.  Retirements by Republican incumbents in Ohio, Iowa, Pennsylvania or Missouri could sweeten the deal even further.

It goes without saying, of course, that national dynamics–such as the popularity of the next President–could seriously alter the playing field beyond anything we can anticipate today.  That said, though, this is just for kicks.  So: how does 2010 look to you?

NY-Gov: New Yorkers Like To Do It Steamroller-Style

So says the latest Q-Poll:

New York State voters approve 61 – 11 percent of the job Gov. Eliot Spitzer is doing and say 61 – 24 percent that his “Steamroller Style” is good for the people, according to a Quinnipiac University poll released today.

If there was ever any question that New Yorkers had doubts with Governor Spitzer’s aggressive agenda for progressive reform in the face of a slow-moving legislature, this should set the record straight:

Voters disapprove 48 – 31 percent of the job the State Legislature is doing, the independent Quinnipiac University poll finds. Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver gets a negative 28 – 37 percent score, while Senate Majority Leader Joseph Bruno gets a negative 25 – 39 percent rating, among the lowest ratings for these leaders.

With negatives like those, Silver and Bruno could stand to learn a thing or two from the ‘Roller.

MS-Gov John Arthur Eaves, Jr. To Run Against Haley Barbour In Mississippi

Crossposted to BlueSunbelt.Com, DailyKos, and Swing State Project

The Mississippi election for governor has finally attracted a well financed Democratic candidate. Trial lawyer John Arthur Eaves, Jr. has filed to challenge incumbent GOP Gov. Haley Barbour. Eaves will face an uphill challenge against the popular Barbour who received high marks after Hurricane Katrina. His father John Arthur Eaves, Sr. ran strong races for governor in 1975 (Eaves did not make the runoff between William Winter and Cliff Finch) and 1979 (won by William Winter).

Barbour is expected to be a heavy favorite for re-election. Thus far, Democrats with statewide campaign experience, such as former Attorney General Mike Moore, have opted not to challenge Barbour. Eaves, a well known Jackson attorney whose father ran unsuccessful campaigns for governor in the 1980s, might be the best funded and best known Democrat to get in the race.

Eaves’ only other political experience is that he was the Democratic nominee for the 3rd District U.S. House seat in 1996. He lost to Republican Chip Pickering.

Bill Renick of Ashland, who has served in various government capacities, including chief of staff to former Gov. Ronnie Musgrove, also has qualified as a Democrat to run for governor.


State of 2007:The Political First Look

I believe that if Democrats are careful and make the right decisions their momentum from 2006 could push them over the top and that in itself could give them a very strong momentum in fundraising and fervor heading into the crucial 2008 election season. There are three distinct states of massive importance, and there could be a fourth, depending on how the courts fall on FL-13.

I believe that if Democrats are careful and make the right decisions their momentum from 2006 could push them over the top and that in itself could give them a very strong momentum in fundraising and fervor heading into the crucial 2008 election season. There are three distinct states of massive importance, and there could be a fourth, depending on how the courts fall on FL-13.

To start of, I’d like to go with my current state of residence, Louisiana. I’ll divide it into two sections; Governorship and legislature.

The Gubernatorialship

I’m utterly through with Kathleen Blanco, and I’ve been one of her most vocal opponents all along. Yes Mississippi did get far more money when it had 60% less damages than Louisiana, but that’s because they had a far, far more complex and comprehensive strategy to get residence back in real homes and rebuild Gulfport and the damaged areas of Biloxi. Looking at our statewide policy, the road home program has been a complete failure at getting either low income, or upper income families to move back. It’s poorly planned, and we’re still paying a private company millions of dollars a year to run the program.

Even bigger than that, I believe, if Blanco’s failure to push insurance companies much harder on reimbursing Louisiana residents. But, Blanco has yet to get a calculated assessment of all infrastructure damages the public needs to deal with, and then have Melancon or Landrieu submit a bill giving the state every penny that it needs.

Mississippi has used the money it’s gotten efficiently. Louisiana has squandered millions by overpaying contractors, and the state’s even diverted millions more back into the general treasury, something the next batch of federal money should have a safeguard against.

But, regardless of anything else, the varied and sketchy reports of a new, 10 billion dollar oil refinery being in the bag, while other economic observers saying it’s more likely to be built in Texas because of better infrastructure and a better business climate disappoints. Toyota appears to have dropped consideration of the Richland Parish Megasite, likely because the infrastructure of Ouachita Parish just isn’t massive enough for a plant employing five thousand people, though the economy here could really use a blast of nitroglycerin to get it started back up again. The Monroe area has lost State Farm and Guide for a total of 1,200 employees laid off, and that’s just in the last year and half. It may be a trading hub, but apparently it was too far out of the way, or connected well enough to the rest of the state to be a viable option.

These were her two big economic growth plans that she wanted to campaign and I was really disappointed to see them lose a great deal of steam. She did get the one billion dollar synthetic fuel plant built in Ascension Parish, (I could be wrong on what Parish it’s in), that will transform lignite deposits in Northwest Louisiana into a useable fuel. But that’s about it.

That’s one reason why I’ve dropped my support of her.
The other is that we have such a fantastic alternate at the moment. Foster Campbell of Bossier City. He’s known for giving the corrupt Democrats, (and the few corrupt Republicans), that control the state hell while he was in the State Senate. He’s been on the Public Services Commission for one term now. But, it is an obscure position, and his district only covers Northwest Louisiana, 1/8th of the state’s population.

But, not only is he a clean, non-establishment candidate, he’s also a fiery populist. I love populists, and I think that Louisiana’s been missing a major one for decades now. Campbell’s the kind of guy I think would stand up for the little guy, to push for economic growth, but also go after insurance companies and fight for small businesses. He’d try to get new corporations to come to Louisiana, while not being subservient to them.

At the moment, I still predict that Blanco will win the primary, (which in Louisiana is one ballot for all parties that goes into a runoff if no one gets 50%. But, Campbell, whom I strongly support, keeps raising money an even stronger rate than his current pace, and runs one hell of a campaign; I wouldn’t be surprised to see him upset Blanco on election night. However, he needs to maintain his status as the only valid anti-Blanco vote for independents and Democrats. He even needs to work to get a good 10-11 percent of the North Louisiana Republican vote to get in.
There won’t a runoff though, if another serious Republican candidate doesn’t jump in to take up 10-12 percent of Jindall’s vote share and hold him down to about 45%. I’m certain that the Republican Party, as centrally and well organized as it is statewide cannot keep at least one Republican from challenging Jindall. There will be at least one Police Juror, (in Louisiana each county is governed by a board called the Police Jury which serves the purpose of a County Executive, County Judge, County Commissioner, etc), but I’m not sure that would be enough to stop Jindall from getting 50% percent in the first election. The good news is that there are several term limited Republican State Senators mulling runs, and another few term limited State Representatives considering as well. The best case scenario is that two Republican state Senators, one State Rep, and three Police Jurors run against Jindall, and he’s held to a flat 40% vote total, and precious Republican resources go to the other Republican candidates.

If it were to go into a runoff between Blanco and Jindall, she will get her ass kicked, she will get a thumpin’, she will lose by twenty points and the Louisiana Democratic party will be shattered and left reeling. The Party will lose half a dozen State House seats in the runoff because of her horrible performance. It would probably lose a Senate seat on top of that.

Foster Campbell, I feel, could win with help from the national party. He’s a new face, and he’s not part of the establishment which Louisiana voters are so sick of. He’s got a populist demeanor, but it’s unlikely that he will outright scare small business away because he was a small business owner for decades. He’s a good campaigner, and he’s a good fundraiser. But, most of all, he exploits Jindall’s Achilles’ heel; North Louisiana.

In recent years, North Louisiana has been very strong for Republicans. Jindall, while beating Blanco by 25 points statewide in a recent independent poll, beat her by only one in North Louisiana. This area is Foster Campbell’s base, while Blanco hails from the lower half of Acadiana, where I grew up (the Lafayette-Lake Charles area, the lower half of Chris John’s old district in the bottom southwest quadrant of the state). The fact that she performs so well there despite here unpopularity and lack of regional connections, speaks volumes, to me at least, on what kind of sweep Campbell could make.

I think, that now that Chris John has demurred, Foster Campbell is our only chance of holding the Louisiana Gubernatorialship, and salvaging the Louisiana Democratic Party.

On the Legislature, Swing State Project poster louisianagirl has far more detail than I will provide. All I will give are my predictions.

I don’t know much about the house, but many close races will go into runoffs, and if Foster Campbell is in the runoff, whether he wins narrowly, or loses narrowly, I predict we lose four seats overall in the State House.

In the State Senate, I say that my Geometry Teacher’s husband Neil Riser beats the Democrat in Noble Ellington’s extremely Rural and Republican district, resulting in a Republican gain. But, several South Louisiana Republicans, originally elected as Democrats, are term limited out, and Democrats have a solid chance of picking up Craig Romero, who challenged Charlie Melancon last year and lost by about a 16 point margin, with a second Democrat in the race too. Thibideaux’s, I believe his name is, seat is also going to be a great target for Democrats. This leaves Democrats with an overall gain of one in the already overwhelmingly Democratic State Senate, while they do lose four seats in the State House, which, considering they won three seats in 2006 special elections, is not a serious loss.

Though I have to say the recent 527 created by Louisiana Republicans under the similar name as a Tom DeLay’s Texas 527, Louisianans for a Republican Majority I believe it’s called, has worried me. There are a lot of conservative districts that are open right now, and this 527 could raise a great deal of money and tip the balance. At any rate, the State House is where all the action, and the only Republican gains are going to be this year. All other statewide officers are running for reelection and are safe bets to win.

Let’s move on to Kentucky. I know nothing about the state of its State Legislature, that’s not an area I know much about. The Bluegrass Report though will have plenty of info on that. I’ll move solely onto the Gubernatorialship.

The Gubernatorialship

Republicans had their chance to destroy the Democratic Party in Kentucky even worse than it was obliterated in Georgia after 2002. They screwed up worse than any sane political pundit could have ever predicted.

After taking over because of Patton’s sex scandal, Gov. Ernie Fletcher has become embroiled in political scandal after political scandal; that has been the mark of his entire governorship. On top of that, he has not gotten any sweeping piece of legislation passed, he’s been complacent on education, he hasn’t balanced the budget, and he has not brought the state into a new era of economic growth. Fletcher hasn’t endeared himself to the Kentucky public in the least, in fact, he’s one of the most unpopular governors in the country, and has had disapprovals in the negatives by double digits for over a year now.

After it appeared she would not run for Governor, Anne Northup threw her hat in the ring, and it seems that she has the blessing of the kingmaker, (or in her case queenmaker), of the Kentucky Republican party, Mitch McConnell. But, she’s barely beating Fletcher outside the MOE in her own internal polls. Here’s a question for you Kentucky people, I’ve been pondering this, does Kentucky have a runoff in primaries? On another note, the conservative Republican party by and large seems to find the accusations purely political and unfounded. That gives Fletcher an opening, and gives Northup an even harder primary.

Anyway, 38 year old State Treasurer Jonathan Miller is easily the frontrunner for the Democratic primary, with the best connections, and strongest statewide name rec. What I like about him is that he could run for McConnell’s seat when it’s likely to be open, in 2014, and still just 45 years old. I think he’s a real rising star in the Kentucky Democratic Party, and has real Presidential potential in the future. He still has stiff challenge from Speaker of the State House, Jody Richards, but I think in the end he’ll overcome her.

Aside from how electable and strong a candidate he is, he’s also not a very conservative Democrat, his opinions are pretty moderate, and he appears to be a pretty good Democrat.
If Northup wins the Republican primary, which I believe is very likely, (unless there is no runoff in Kentucky and Billy Harper takes enough of the anti-Fletcher vote to allow Fletcher to edge Northup out), then this race is going to be close because she’ll rack up a landslide in KY-04, Geoff Davis’ district, and definitely hold Miller to a narrow margin of victory in strongly Democratic KY-03, her old district which is dominated by the liberal city of Louisville, (in fact, KY-03 is the only district in Kentucky that is not primarily suburban/exurban and rural, it’s the only urban district, and, despite Kerry’s weak showing, is reliably and strongly Democratic in statewide and local elections). I don’t think she win her old district, but a strong showing there would definitely require Miller to have a very strong showing in Chandler’s district, Hal Rogers district, (which is really Democratic on a local level, much like it’s neighbor, West Virginia. This district became even more Democratic when it was made to cover all of Eastern Kentucky after the 1992 reapportionment), Ed Barlow’s district, which some have called the most Republican of Kentucky districts, I disagree, and ancestrally Democratic KY-02, Ron Lewis’ district, (which is extremely socially conservative). Still, even with Northup and her infamous campaign savvy, as his opponent, I’d still predict him winning 52-47. With Fletcher, I’d say 59-40.

A quick note on the other statewide offices: Rep. Mike Weaver, who ran against Ron Lewis, is running for State Treasurer, I’d call him the underdog in the Democratic primary. Other statewide offices that are currently open are: Attorney General. I’d say we’ll definitely hold the State House in this great environment, and possibly, just maybe, pick up the State Senate, at the very least we’ll make gains.

I’m going to be brief on Mississippi as well, because, as with Kentucky, my knowledge of politics there is not as extensive and far reaching as I’d like, hell, I’m pissed off because I don’t know much about Louisiana politics after living here a year because the News-Star is the stupidest, shittiest, local newspaper I’ve ever encountered. It has no meat to it, and it’s absolutely useless for reading anything about politics. I don’t think I’ll even try on anything but the Governorship.

The Gubernatorialship

Things are remarkably low key in this race so far, but state Democrats salivating over the rumors of a Mabus/Moore candidacy. Mabus, a former Governor who lost his 1991 reelection campaign to a populist oriented Republican who ended up becoming very unpopular by the end of his two terms, is from North Mississippi and carries his own strengths as a candidate, including name rec. Moore was a popular four term Attorney General who retired in 2003. He’s from Biloxi, and carries great name rec., connections, and a base shared by Barbour.

This is a dream ticket, a dream ticket I’m skeptical will happen. I feel it’s likely that Mabus will jump in the ring, considering how publicly active he’s suddenly become in recent years. But, I don’t feel Moore will jump. I think Moore was through with politics in 2003, and if he did feel like getting in, I don’t think he’d want to take the backseat, even if it would probably only be for one term because of Mabus’ age and health, which could end up being campaign issues.

That’s all there really is to say about the race. This is just a skeleton analysis, because no major Democrat has jumped in to take on Haley Barbour yet. This is skimpy analysis. I normally have a lot more info, but this is the beginning outlook, nothing has happened yet, and there haven’t been any polls. I can offer my current prediction, which is that even our dream ticket, Barbour’s carried over the finish line 52-48 by his Katrina performance, and his campaigning saviness. It is important to keep Barbour sweating and on his heels this election though, that way Republican money there doesn’t go to the state legislature, and Barbour isn’t allowed to rack up a landslide and give Republicans a big gain in both houses. At current, I think the Democrats will keep the Mississippi State Legislature no matter what, though conservative Democrats will continue to give Republicans all but operational control of it.

An interesting side note, we have a great chance of retaking the Governorship when it’s open in 2011 due to term limits. Current Attorney General Jim Hood is popular, and he built a strong coalition to in 2003 to stave off a tough Republican attempt on the open seat, and he’s likely to win reelection in a landslide.

That’s the State of 2007, at the moment. Other states of interest include Virginia and New Jersey where the entire State Legislatures are up for reelection. I think Democrats have a real chance of taking back the Virginia State Senate, and increasing their margins in New Jersey. Those’ll be the sites of heated contests. If courts rule in Jennings favor, and determine that there needs to be a new election, that election will likely be held in November if Jennings can get through the legal system that fast. That would make Florida the site of a major election as well, as a Democratic victory here would vastly increase our momentum going into 2008.

“On the last note, I’m predicting that we’ll win the special election for the State Senate seat in Brooklyn. It’s tomorrow, and I would be shocked to see us lose it. A plurality of voters, by three percentage points, 38-35 I believe, are registered Democrats, and just to help you get a feel of where that puts it Presidentially, several New York Senate districts with a five or six point Republican edge voted for Kerry. I don’t see how we can lose with the New York Times endorsement, the more conservative and widely read in this district Newsday endorsement, and the massive campaign waged for a very strong candidate, County legislature Craig Johnson. Elliot Spitzer is very popular here, and his endorsement, and cutting an ad for Johnson definitely helps. Not to mention that recent corruption investigation that includes Joe Bruno, the Majority Leader of the State Senate, further highlights Spitzer’s calls for reform, and hurts the New York Republican Party. The Democrats have the momentum, not only because of the endorsements, but because of how Democratic last year was, and the leftover momentum that gave us. I think that nation, especially New York, is still in a very Democratic mood, and the New Democratic Congress is very popular so far, only helping the overall mood. These factors align for what I predict will be a 53-47 victory.”
That was written on Monday, and posted as a comment on a Republican blogger blog. I add it to this diary just to show that my political predictions are about on base, except when I do get carried away, which happened quite often in 2006, and I was occasionally mislead by what I read on the internet, and bad polling. Of course I may have gotten plain lucky that time.

Anyway, please leave comments if you disagree. Please comment if you know more about the elections than I’ve said. If you agree, and want to write a concurrence, please do so. The following thread is an open thread on any 2007 race, including tomorrow’s crucial special election in New York, and races I left out.

P.S. Please vote in the poll. You can’t imagine how much I hate saying this and hate sounding like a broken record, but I like to know how many people read the diary, so if you read this diary, please take a second and vote in the poll.

By what margin will Bob Shamansky win?

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CO-Sen: Is a GOP Primary Fight in the Cards?

Luis says: Let’s you and him infight!

So let’s go back to rubbing in the shortcomings of Republicans. I think we all missed pointing out this Grand Junction Sentinel story saying that former Rep. Scott McInnis of Grand Junction is trying to ease former Rep. Bob Schaffer of Ft. Collins out of the Senate race so that Colorado Republicans can avoid a divisive primary like the one between Bob Beauprez and Marc Holtzman in the governor’s race last year.

Trouble is, the Republican primary before that one was the 2004 Senate primary, where Bob Schaffer was the lone candidate before Governor Owens recruited Pete Coors to come into the race. Schaffer supporters, which include the Colorado Springs fundamentalist faction, feel that the governor and state Republican party apparatus unfairly tipped the scales in the primary to Coors. And, the fact that Coors went down to defeat to Ken Salazar only makes the bitterness worse – I’m sure Schaffer’s supporters feel he could have done a better job in the general election than Coors did. (I think they’re wrong, but there’s no way to prove it.)

So I don’t think it’s very likely that Schaffer can be sweet talked into clearing the field for McInnis. And we might have another bitter Republican primary fight between the candidate with the perception of being the anointed favorite versus a darling of the religious right. Pass the popcorn.

I love me some good internal squabbling – when it happens on the GOP side. Of course, you never can tell when a primary is going to be a blessing or a curse. Sometimes, you wind up with a battle-tested, more experienced nominee with greater name rec (example: John Hall). Other times, you wind up with a total train wreck, trailing negative vibes and ugly baggage all over the place (example: Randy Graf).

Luis seems to think we might very well be in for fight night. Here’s hoping he’s right!