MI-09: Gary Peters Q3 Fundraising Totals

The moment you’ve all been waiting for, and 4 days before they are due to the FEC, Peters for Congress is proud to announce our 2007 Q3 Fund raising total!

The Peters Campaign is off to an aggressive start, raising over $217,000 in the first six weeks!

That sum was raised from over 430 individual contributors, a sign of the overwhelming demand for change in Michigan’s 9th district.

Gary himself is very excited about the results, and is ready to get to work.

“These numbers show that our campaign will be extremely aggressive and highly competitive,” Peters said. “We want to give Oakland County residents the change they want and the representation they deserve in Congress, and based on the amount of support we’ve garnered in such a short period of time, I’m confident we will have the resources to do just that.”

Many of the contributions came from ActBlue, where  Gary raised $41,564.26 in the 3rd quarter. The average ActBlue donation was under $250.

The campaign has also received many early endorsements, including the AFL-CIO, The Michigan Building Trades Council,  Triangle Pride PAC, and nearly every 9th district elected official.

The vigorous fund-raising and numerous endorsements are just the beginning. This will be a long, aggressive campaign that ultimately will bring about positive change for Oakland County. Are you ready to get to work?

(Full press release at: Peters for Congress)

Revenge of 3Q Fundraising Reports Open Thread

More 3rd Quarter fundraising reports–fresh from the FEC bakery.


Gayle Harrell (R): $95K raised; $184K CoH


Steve Pearce (R-inc): $251K raised; $582K CoH


Melissa Hart (R): $235K raised; $219K CoH
Ron Francis (R): $38K raised; $98K CoH


Terri Bonoff (D): $89K raised; $88K CoH (in about a week)


Diane Benson (D): $35K raised; $28K CoH


Jim Ogsbury (R): $100K raised + $250K personal loan


Jon Bruning (R): $223K raised; $955K CoH


Gordon Smith (R-inc): $827K raised; $4.04M CoH

Got any more numbers?  Post ’em in the comments.



Gary Peters (D): $217K raised; $198K CoH (in about six weeks)

AK-AL: Berkowitz Will Run Against Don Young

Huge news out of Alaska: former Democratic State House Minority Leader Ethan Berkowitz has announced that he will run against the muck-encrusted GOP Rep. Don Young.  Berkowitz, considered a rising star within the state party, served five terms in the state House from 1996-2006 and ran for Lt. Governor on the ticket led by Tony Knowles last year.  You can check out his campaign website here.

Berkowitz has been heavily courted by the DCCC to run for the seat, but his name has also been mentioned as a potential opponent to Internet guru and Senator Ted Stevens if Anchorage Mayor Mark Begich passed on that race.  This is a pretty big development, as Begich and Berkowitz have been in contact with each other during the past few months to co-ordinate their potential campaigns and each settle on a target (Stevens or Young).  With Berkowitz formally in the ring against Young, we can safely assume that it’s a Senate bid or nothing for Begich.

Berkowitz faces former Alaska Democratic Party Chairman Jake Metcalfe and 2006 nominee Diane Benson in the Democratic primary.

UPDATE: It looks like Young will have a primary opponent–state Rep. Gabrielle LeDoux, a former Democrat.

Race Tracker: AK-AL

Wisc County GOP Chair/Treas indicted for child sex crimes in Green Bay

Don Fleischman, the Brown County Republican Party Chairman and Treasurer was indicted on Sept 9, 2007 for the following crimes against a child, from an incidents occuring on Nov, 19, Dec. 6th and Dec. 8th, 2006.

Brown County Case Number 2007CF000897

Child Enticement-Give/Sell Drugs
Intent. Contribute/Delinquency Child
Child Enticement-Expose Sex Organ
Exposing Genitals to Child
Intent. Contribute/Delinquency Child

He is free on a $20,000 signature bond for pretty significant sex and drug crimes.

On the Wisconsin GOP website, it lists his email address as Don0570@aol.com

His birthdate is listed, in the felony complaint, as 05/07/70 ….0570 seems like a comon thing with email names; the only phone number listed in the GB phone book is this person’s name, identified in the complaint.
His address, from that complaint, was cross referenced with an Wisconsin Elections Board Document showing that Mr. Fleschman’s home address matches the complaint, hte GB phone book, and is listed, as with the GOP Party of Brown County.

The State or County GOP has not issued any statement regarding this event.

The Green Bay Press-Gazette ran an article on this, nine months after his arrest.


House 2008: Open Seat Watch (October)

Another month, another opportunity to round up all the retirements and open seats that may pop up in next year’s House elections. We have a few changes since our last installment in September, with the retirements of Republicans Jerry Weller (IL-11) and Terry Everett (AL-02), and the decision of GOP Rep. Heather Wilson (NM-01) to run for the Senate. IL-11 and NM-01 stand to be top-tier pick up opportunities for Democrats, and Democrats are hoping that a strong candidate emerges to give Republicans a run for their money in the Alabama seat. (Paging Bobby Bright?) One development that may lift NRCC spirits is the possibility that Jim Ramstad (MN-03) will un-retire, putting a toss-up district into much safer territory for Republicans. For now, we’ll keep him on The List, with the appropriate question mark.

Following the format of the previous diaries, I’ve put together two charts: one tracking definite retirements and the other potential retirements, resignations, and primary defeats, listing each district by its incumbent, PVI, and the representative’s age on election day in 2008.

Definite House Retirements

District Incumbent Party PVI Age Notes
AL-02 Everett R R+13.2 71 Will retire
AZ-01 Renzi R R+2.2 50 Will resign
CA-52 Hunter R R+9.3 60 Running for President
CO-02 Udall D D+8.1 58 Running for Senate
IL-11 Weller R R+1.1 51 Retiring
IL-14 Hastert R R+4.8 67 Retiring
IL-18 LaHood R R+5.5 62 Retiring
ME-01 Allen D D+6.2 63 Running for Senate
MN-03 Ramstad R R+0.5 62 Retiring (?)
MS-03 Pickering R R+14.1 45 Retiring
NM-01 Wilson R D+2.4 47 Running for Senate
OH-15 Pryce R R+1.1 57 Retiring

That adds up to 10 House retirements for Republicans, many of them in marginal districts. As the retirement trends from the 2005/2006 cycle suggest, there still is plenty of time for more House members to grab a life preserver and bail.

Potential House Retirements

District Incumbent Party PVI Age Notes
AK-AL Young R R+14.3 75 Under investigation
CA-04 Doolittle R R+10.9 58 Under investigation
CA-24 Gallegly R R+4.8 64 Botched a retirement attempt in 2006
CA-25 McKeon R R+7.1 70 Speculation
CA-41 Lewis R R+9.0 74 Under investigation
CO-05 Lamborn R R+15.7 54 Primary challenge
CO-06 Tancredo R R+10 62 Undecided
CT-04 Shays R D+5.4 63 Threatening retirement
DE-AL Castle R D+6.5 69 Health issues
FL-10 Young R D+1.1 78 Age issues/Speculation
IL-03 Lipinski D D+10.3 42 Primary challenge
IA-03 Boswell D D+1.4 74 Health issues
IA-04 Latham R D+0.4 60 Possible Senate run
IA-05 King R R+8.4 59 Possible Senate run
IN-07 Carson D D+8.7 70 Health issues
LA-01 Jindal R R+18.5 37 Running for Governor
LA-02 Jefferson D D+27.8 61 Indicted
MD-01 Gilchrest R R+9.8 62 Primary challenge
MD-04 Wynn D D+29.8 57 Primary challenge
MD-06 Bartlett R R+12.8 82 Age issues
MI-03 Ehlers R R+9.0 74 Speculation
NC-09 Myrick R R+12.2 67 Speculation
NJ-03 Saxton R D+3.3 60 Speculation
NY-23 McHugh R R+0.2 60 Speculation
OH-02 Schmidt R R+13.1 56 Primary challenge
OH-07 Hobson R R+6.0 72 Rumors
OH-16 Regula R R+3.6 84 Age issues/Speculation
TN-09 Cohen D D+18.1 59 Primary challenge
TX-04 Hall R R+17.1 85 Age issues
VA-11 Davis R R+0.6 59 Possible Senate run
WY-AL Cubin R R+19.4 61 Speculation

Deletions from this list include Don Manzullo (IL-16), who filed to run again, and Jo Ann Davis (VA-01), who passed away from an ongoing battle with cancer on the weekend. I’ve added Tancredo and Lamborn in Colorado — both have questionable futures in the House. Another addition is Julia Carson, who returns to the list after being scratched last month. While she did announce her re-election, her poor health is increasingly becoming a major story in national and local media, and her fundraising has been beyond anemic. Unfortunately, I have little choice but to add her back to the watch list.

Babs Cubin is also staying on the list, despite saying recently that she “absolutely intends” to run again “at this point in time”. Uh-huh. “At this point in time” and “intend” in the same sentence is a huge retirement red flag. The same goes for New York Republican Jim McHugh, who put it a bit more strongly, but still left the door open for a vacancy by saying “at this time, I fully expect to be a candidate for re-election in 2008”. Expectations have a funny habit of changing, and so does the mind of a congressman. He stays on the watch list.

Anyone else we should know about? Let us know in the comments.

MN-03: Will Ramstad Un-retire?

Eric Black over at the Minnesota Monitor has the scoop: apparently, the NRCC is working fast and furious to convince retiring Republican Rep. Jim Ramstad to reverse his decision to retire… and, according to inside sources, Ramstad is seriously considering it.  And this decidedly non-Shermanesque statement from one of Ramstad’s aides leaves the door wide open for a change of heart:

“Jim has been overwhelmed by the huge number of Minnesotans urging him to reconsider, but he has no plans to run for re-election.”

“No plans” is legendary Washingtonspeak for “I haven’t made up my mind” or “I won’t tell you yet”.  It’s no surprise that the NRCC would make the effort to reverse Ramstad’s decision.  Without him on the ballot, Ramstad pushes what was once a safe seat into toss-up territory for the GOP, forcing national Republicans to spend precious resources defending the district that Bush carried by a narrow three point margin against Kerry in 2004.

And in an update, Eric Black writes that a second source believes that Republicans have a good shot at changing Ramstad’s mind:

A second and very reliable source, with insider knowledge of National Republican Congressional Committee efforts to get U.S. Rep. Jim Ramstad to run for reelection next year, says the committee believes there’s a better than 50-50 chance Ramstad will do it.

Democrats have a strong contender in state Sen. Terri Bonoff, who reportedly raised $90K in about a week after jumping into the race.  Does Ramstad figure that she’ll withdraw her bid if he decides to run again?  If not, why on earth would he want to turn down retirement and face one of the more competitive races of his career?

Stay tuned.

Race Tracker: MN-03

The Crumb-Bum Report, Vol. 1: Bill Young (FL-10)

(Bumped – promoted by DavidNYC)

This is the first installment in what – thanks to the mendacity of the modern GOP – I have no doubt will be a recurring series on the Swing State Project. Finding Republican crumb-bums is even easier than getting blitzed at YearlyKos – but deciding which acts of Republican crumb-bummery to highlight… now that is a challenge.

Fortunately, we’re up to that challenge. And a little-noticed vote in Congress last week provides us with an almost vintage example of Republican stone-heartedness in action. On October 2nd, the House passed H.R. 2828, a bill sponsored by Jesse Jackson, Jr., by a 409-12 margin. What does this bill do?

[It] provide[s] compensation to relatives of United States citizens who were killed as a result of the bombings of United States Embassies in East Africa on August 7, 1998.

Who could oppose this bill? Who could be unmoved by the tragedy suffered by victims of such terror? Apparently, twelve Republican recidivists, that’s who. I’ll note that even Republican Whip Roy Blunt co-sponsored this bill. Here are his fellow party members whom he could not persuade:

Paul Broun (GA-10), Eric Cantor (VA-07), Nathan Deal (GA-09), Jeff Flake (AZ-06), Virgil Goode (VA-05), Steve LaTourette (OH-14), Ron Paul (TX-14), Bud Shuster (PA-09), Mike Simpson (ID-02), Tom Tancredo (CO-06), Lee Terry (NE-02), & Bill Young (FL-10)

What message are these cruel, cruel men (and they are all men) sending? That government spending must be controlled at all costs, even when we’re talking about barely $10 million total? That when Osama bin Laden attacks our citizens, we can’t be bothered to help them even ten years later? No matter how you prise it apart, this is a terrible and immoral vote.

And, for almost any incumbent, it would also be a political debacle – except that most of this dirty dozen sit in districts so overwhelmingly red that they are practically near-infra. I doubt that Bud Shuster (R+15) is going to be feeling any heat over this one any time soon.

Which is why I single out the decrepit C.W. “Bill” Young of Florida’s 10th Congressional District for special scorn. All of these Republicans should pay a price for their vote, but Young – whose toss-up district tilts just a little bit Dem at D+1 – is by far the most vulnerable. Indeed, Young, age 76, has been the subject of retirement rumors for the better part of a year.

What makes Young’s vote even worse is that two of the victims whose families would be affected by the bill hailed from Florida. Both were members of the military. I hope Young draws a strong opponent this cycle, and I hope whoever that may be doesn’t hesitate to highlight this outrageous vote. This election should serve as a lesson to Bill Young, and to the eleven other shameful Republicans who share his mindset.

(Hat-tip: DemocraticLuntz)

Bride of 3Q Fundraising Reports Open Thread

It’s time for another round-up of all the third quarter fundraising reports for House and Senate campaigns.  (Our first two reports can be found here and here.)  The deadline for candidates to file their reports is the 15th, so we’ll still have to wait a few days until we get flooded with numbers.  If you’ve seen any other 3Q figures floating through the tubes, post ’em in the comments.


Allen West (R): $12.5K raised; $13K CoH


Randy Demmer (R): $17K raised; $56K CoH


Jim Saxton (R-inc): $97K raised; $1.39M CoH


Nick Jordan (R): $108K raised; $99K CoH


Kyle Foust (D): $42K raised; $27K CoH


Gary Miller (R-inc): $39K raised; $801K CoH


Mark Schauer (D): $220K raised; $195K CoH (in five weeks)


Eric Egland (R): $77K raised; $70K CoH (in two months)


Chris Lauzen (R): $210K raised + $325K personal donation (source: House Race Hotline)


Chris Hackett (R): $245K raised CoH (source: HRH)


Joe Knollenberg (R-inc): $400K raised; $860K CoH



Nels Ackerson (D): $134K raised

NM-Sen: First Post-Domenici Poll Emerges

SurveyUSA has released its first poll showing who New Mexicans would like to see replace Republican Pete Domenici in the US Senate:

Tom Udall (D): 55
Steve Pearce (R): 37

Tom Udall (D): 56
Heather Wilson (R): 38

Bill Richardson (D): 60
Steve Pearce (R): 36

Bill Richardson (D): 62
Heather Wilson (R): 35

Marty Chavez (D): 35
Steve Pearce (R): 56

Marty Chavez (D): 44
Heather Wilson (R): 48

Patricia Madrid (D): 38
Steve Pearce (R): 54

Patricia Madrid (D): 45
Heather Wilson (R): 46

Don Wiviott (D): 23
Steve Pearce (R): 58

Don Wiviott (D): 34
Heather Wilson (R): 51

MoE: ± 4.4%, n=514

While this round of polling is likely a reflection of name-recognition, it does provide us with a valuable baseline.

Of course, it's disappointing to see that a candidate with numbers like Tom Udall has already turned down a run for the seat. And, as of now, Bill Richardson is still running for President.

IN-09: Sodrel Will Announce His Decision Tomorrow

It looks like Republicans are going to field another repeat candidate next fall: former Rep. Mike Sodrel will announce whether he’ll run against Democratic incumbent Baron Hill tomorrow, and a candidate doesn’t usually go through all this fuss unless they’re actually running:

  Mike Sodrel Will Announce His Decision

  When: 3:30pm on Tuesday, October 9th

  Where: Calumet Club
  1614 E. Spring Street
  New Albany, IN

  Please join us,

  David Buskill
  Chairman, Clark County Republican Party

If Sodrel is in, this would bring “rematch” to a whole new level — this would be the fourth time that he and Hill faced off against each other, with only the 2004 match-up being successful for Sodrel.

Race Tracker: IN-09