Dear Attorney General Richard Blumenthal,
You had better learn and take to heart the lessons provided yesterday by your neighboring colleague. In particular: (1) a gigantic lead now is VERY MUCH NOT the same as a blowout victory (or even any victory), and (2) neglect is NEVER the right way to run a campaign.
Your supporter,
Glenn Magus Harvey
More beneath the fold.
Dear Democratic Party,
I damn well hope that this costly lesson about the negatives of complacency has been well learned.
If we can win Idaho, they can win Massachusetts.
Your supporter,
Glenn Magus Harvey
Dear progressive movement,
Stop whining about how watered-down the health care bill is, stop threatening to vote for all sorts of crazy people (on any side) against sane Democrats who can get elected (and possibly risk losing nasty districts), and start accepting political realities (remember the “living in reality” slogan?).
Stop whining about how the Obama administration isn’t progressive enough, and start asking yourself what realistic steps you can do to inch the country toward a better future.
You want results? Be prepared to work very hard for them. Whining and sulking do not produce results. Do something better with your time–such as learning about on-the-ground political realities, figuring out how to use and to affect them to help your goals, coming up with productive ideas, and putting such ideas into action.
Your friend and ally,
Glenn Magus Harvey
Dear Nevada State Democratic Party and other relevant persons and parties,
Figure out a way to deal with Reid. Both of them. Preferably, figure out a way to get rid of both of them.
Your fellow Democrat,
Glenn Magus Harvey
Dear Senator Joe Lieberman,
You suck.
If Chris Dodd can afford to offend the insurance companies, then so can you. So shut up.
Your detractor and former supporter,
Glenn Magus Harvey