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Tag: Open Threads
Weekly Open Thread: What Races Are You Interested In?
Apart from the biggies (NJ-Gov, VA-Gov, NY-23, NYC-Mayor, and the Maine gay marriage ballot measure), what other races are coming up on November 3rd?
P.S. You should follow SSP on Twitter.
Weekly Open Thread: What Races Are You Interested In?
Rotten Tomatoes is out with its list of the 100 worst-reviewed movies of the past ten years. How many of those have you seen? To my great relief, I can honestly answer “zero”.
Weekly Open Thread: What Races Are You Interested In?
Shanah Tova!
Weekly Open Thread: What Races Are You Interested In?
A special reminder to all state legislature fans out there (and I know there are a few of you): tomorrow will feature a special election for a GOP-held Delaware House seat. If Democrats can win the seat, they’ll have a supermajority in the state House. Josh over at Ballot Box has another excellent rundown on the race. (UPDATE: The GOP wins by 324 votes.)
Weekly Open Thread: What Races Are You Interested In?
No! I like it in here!
IA-HD90 Open Thread
11:06PM: It’s over – Hanson wins! Congratulations! Final tally: 3,932 to 3,825. Burgmeier actually carried Wapello by four votes, but it wasn’t enough. Anyhow, this is great news… for John McCain!
10:55PM: Pass the dutchie ‘pon the lef’ han’ side… looks like our friends at the Wapello County Board of Elections are taking a bit of a ganja break.
10:38PM: The first two precincts in Wapello have come in, and they are looking good for Hanson – he leads there 339-178. Burgmeier would need to carry those last six precincts by an 18-point margin to eke out a win.
10:34PM: All of the outstanding precincts are in Wapello Co., which Obama won with 55% of the vote last fall.
10:33PM: Much closer now – 20 of 28 precincts, and Hanson’s lead is just 3,335 to 3,224.
10:22PM: Polls are closed in Iowa, and with a quarter of precincts reporting (all from Jefferson Co.), Dem Carl Hanson has a lead of 2,050 to 1,441.
James provided some background on both of tonight’s special elections in this earlier post. Polls close in Iowa at 10pm Eastern time, and in California at 11pm. UPDATE: Via folks in comments, Gov. Schwarzenegger has ordered that results be held until 10pm Pacific (1am Eastern) so that firefighters from the district who are fighting fires in Southern California can have extra time to vote.
If you have other results links, please post `em in comments. Also, as always, you can use this thread to make predictions.
Weekly Open Thread: What Races Are You Interested In?

Weekly Open Thread: What Races Are You Interested In?

James (l.) and David perform Babka inspection at SSP World Headquarters
Weekly Open Thread: What Races Are You Interested In?