11:31: Time for some fresh thread.
11:26: Dave Loebsack hangs on in IA-02.
11:24: NY-29 called for Tom Reed, an expected R pickup. PA-06 called for Jim Gerlach – hope we see Manan Trivedi again, though.
11:23: In TX-27, Blake Farenthold is up by 77 votes with 88% reporting. Also, the results in New York are really crappy.
11:20: More craptastic news: In SC-05, Mick Mulvaney beats John Spratt.
11:19: In WA-03, Jamie Herrera is up big over Denny Heck, 57-43 (18%).
11:17: With 22% reporting, John Kitzhaber has a 57-41 lead in OR-Gov.
11:14: Michele Bachmann unsurprisingly wins in MN-06. Tight race in AL-02.
11:13: OH-12 called for Pat Tiberi. AR-02 called for Tim Griffin, so another GOP pickup.
11:11: A little bit of good news out of PA: PA-12 called for Mark Criz and PA-04 called for Jason Altmire.
11:08: PA-15 called for Charlie Dent, NY-27 called for Brian Higgins, KS-04 called for Mike Pompeo (wouldn’t be surprised if he gets primaried next cycle), AR-04 called for Blue Dog King Mike Ross, and in some very bad news, WI-08 called for roofer Reid Ribble, who beats Dem Rep. Steve Kagen.
11:06: Another shitty loss: Rick Berg beats Earl Pomeroy in ND-AL.
11:04: Kilroy Was Here. Steve Stivers beats Mary Jo Kilroy in OH-15.
11:04: Believe it: Mike Keown beats Rep. Sanford Bishop in GA-02.
11:03: Debbie Halvorson loses to Adam Kinzinger in IL-11. Nikki Haley wins in SC-Gov, but hopefully some shine is off her halo after a narrow victory. (DGA, where were you?)
11:01: CO-04 called for Corey Gardner (R). Hate to see Bill Foster lose in IL-14, but he goes down to Randy Hultgren. Sucks.
10:59: TX-25 called for Lloyd Doggett. Melissa Bean is losing in IL-08 and Bob Dold has a narrow lead in IL-10. Talk about sucky.
10:58: KS-03 called for Kevin Yoder. IA-03 called for Leonard Boswell. PA-07 called for Pat Meehan, so another GOP pickup.
10:55: Not terribly surprising: Teabagger Ron Johnson beats Russ Feingold in WI-Sen.
10:54: Just horrible: Patrick Murphy loses in PA-08 to Mike Fitzpatrick. Also, WI-Gov called for GOPer Scott Walker. And CT-04 apparently called for Dem Jim Himes, though the reported numbers are whack.
10:52: In PA-17, Tim Holden (D) wins. Emanuel Cleaver in MO-05 had an unexpectedly close race but hangs on.
10:51: Fuckity – Jim Renacci beats John Boccieri in OH-16.
10:50: Dems lead in MN-07 (Peterson 53-41) and MN-08 (58-38 Oberstar).
10:49: Republican Bill Johnson defeats Dem Charlie Wilson in OH-06.
10:44: NY-21 and 22 appear to be okay, but the rest of upstate… NY-23: Owens 48, Doheny 45 (9%); NY-24: Hanna 53, Arcuri 47 (16%); NY-25: Buerkle 51-49 (20%).
10:43: Some fugly numbers out of NY:NY-19: Hayworth 61-39 (10%); NY-20: Gibson 58-42 (10%).
10:41: In NY-09, Anthony Weiner (a late add to our big board) wins.
10:39: Ben Chandler is declaring victory in KY-06, but we may be headed to a recount there. NM-Gov is called for Susana Martinez (R).
10:38: MO-Sen called for Roy Blunt. Looks like a huge blowout.
10:37: MA-06 called for John Tierney.
10:36: SC-02 called for Joe Wilson (but note unimpressive margin). NE-02 called for Lee Terry. MA-05 called for Niki Tsongas.
10:34: PA-10: Tom Marino beats Chris Carney; PA-11: Lou Barletta beats Paul Kanjorski; MS-01: Alan Nunnelee beats Travis Childers, someone SSP supported big-time during the 2008 special election.
10:31: Some results from Louisiana: Joe Cao loses in LA-02 to Cedric Richmond, so it’s a Dem pickup, while Jeff Landry picks up LA-03 for the Republicans. In GA-12, John Barrow hangs on.
10:30: A DGA press release congratulates John Hickenlooper in CO-Gov, and that’s good enough for us.
10:28: RI-01, David Cicilline (the Dem) wins the open seat. In IL-17, sophomore Phil Hare (who didn’t even have an opponent last cycle) loses to Bobby Schilling (R).
10:27: In NJ-03, John Adler concedes. Better news in NJ-06, where Frank Pallone survives.
10:25: Thank god: Rush Holt is called the victor in NJ-12. Sadly, Zack Space loses in OH-18. Larry Kissell survives in NC-08.
10:24: Frank Kratovil loses in MD-01, while Mike Michaud (ME-02) and Mike McIntyre (NC-07) both survive.
10:23: Leads for David Rivera and Allen West down in Florida, for Scott Keown in GA-02.
10:22: Crap: PA-Gov called for Republican Tom Corbett. Not exactly surprising.
10:22: 19% in in ME, and Cutler’s still leading. Up 39-32-22.
10:20: This is barfy: Hultgren up 53-44 for in IL-14. And Melissa Bean is up just 50-47 with two thirds in, against what had seemed like a totally imploded Walsh campaign.
10:19: In IL-17, Bobby Schilling leads Phil Hare 54-42 with 60% in.
Let’s get rolling.