SSP Daily Digest: 10/26 (Morning Edition)

  • AZ-Sen, AZ-Gov (Public Policy Polling for Daily Kos): Rodney Glassman (D) 38, John McCain 56; Terry Goddard (D) 44, Jan Brewer (R-inc) 52
  • GA-Sen, GA-Gov (Landmark Communications): Michael Thurmond (D) 35, Johnny Isakson (R-inc) 56; Roy Barnes (D) 39, Nathan Deal (R) 47
  • GA-Sen, GA-Gov (SurveyUSA): Michael Thurmond (D) 34, Johnny Isakson (R-inc) 58; Roy Barnes (D) 39, Nathan Deal (R) 49
  • HI-Gov (Ward Research): Neil Abercrombie (D) 51, Duke Aiona (R) 43
  • HI-01 (Ward Research): Colleen Hanabusa (D) 45, Charles Djou (R-inc) 48
  • IN-Sen (EPIC/MRA): Brad Ellsworth (D) 35, Dan Coats (R) 53
  • LA-Sen (Magellan): Charlie Melancon (D) 35, David Vitter (R-inc) 52
  • MA-04, MA-10 (UNH for the Boston Globe): Barney Frank (D-inc) 46, Sean Bielat (R) 33; Bill Keating (D) 37, Jeff Perry (R) 33
  • MD-01 (OpinionWorks for the Baltimore Sun): Frank Kratovil (D-inc) 40, Andy Harris (R) 40
  • MD-Gov (Abt SRBI for the Washington Post): Martin O’Malley (D-inc) 54, Bob Ehrlich (R) 40
  • MI-01 (EPIC/MRA): Gary McDowell (D) 40, Dan Benishek (R) 42
  • MI-03 (Public Opinion Strategies (R) for Justin Amash): Pat Miles (D) 30, Justin Amash (R) 49
  • MN-Gov (St. Cloud State University): Mark Dayton (D) 40, Tom Emmer (R) 30, Tom Horner (I) 19
  • NE-02 (Wiese Research): Tom White (D) 39, Lee Terry (R-inc) 44
  • NY-Sen-B (PDF) (Marist): Kirsten Gillibrand (D-inc) 56, Joe DioGuardi (R) 38
  • OH-Gov (U. Cincinnati for Ohio media): Ted Strickland (D-inc) 47, John Kasich (R) 49
  • OR-Gov (Elway Research): John Kitzhaber (D) 45, Chris Dudley (R) 44
  • OR-01, OR-05 (Elway Research): David Wu (D-inc) 51, Rob Cornilles (R) 38; Kurt Schrader (D-inc) 50, Scott Bruun (R) 38
  • SC-Gov (Insider Advantage): Vincent Sheheen (D) 37, Nikki Haley (R) 51
  • SD-AL (Mason-Dixon): Stephanie Herseth Sandlin (D-inc) 43, Kristi Noem (R) 45
  • SD-AL (Nielson Brothers): Stephanie Herseth Sandlin (D-inc) 42, Kristi Noem (R) 40
  • TX-Gov (University of Texas): Bill White (D) 40, Rick Perry (R-inc) 50
  • Bonus: UT also tested a wide range of down-ballot races.

  • VA-02 (Christopher Newport University): Glenn Nye (D-inc) 41, Scott Rigell (R) 42
  • Margins & Errors: The DSCC supposedly has some internal with Alexi Giannoulias up 2 in IL-Sen, but this is some NRCC-style crap with no details other than the toplines… Some MI-Gov poll shows that the race still sucks… Frank Guinta is touting an internal in NH-01 that supposedly has him up 53-37, but there isn’t even word of the pollster’s name

    SSP Daily Digest: 10/25 (Morning Edition)

  • Site News: Holy moly. We just passed ten million all-time visitors yesterday. Wow. Just really have to take a step back for a moment. When I started this site almost exactly seven years ago, I never, ever imagined we’d achieve anything like this. Just a huge thank you to every reader who has checked in since Oct. 19, 2003 to today – and beyond.
  • AR-Gov (Mason-Dixon): Mike Beebe (D-inc) 59, Jim Keet (R) 26
  • CA-Sen, CA-Gov (Greenberg Quinlan Rosner & American Viewpoint for the LA Times/USC): Barbara Boxer (D-inc) 50, Carly Fiorina (R) 42; Jerry Brown (D) 52, Meg Whitman (R) 39
  • CA-Gov (John McLaughlin & David Hill (R) for Meg Whitman): Jerry Brown (D) 46, Meg Whitman (R) 43
  • CO-Sen, CO-Gov (SurveyUSA for 9News/Denver Post): Michael Bennet (D-inc) 47, Ken Buck (R) 47; John Hickenlooper (D) 46, Dan Maes (R) 15, Tom Tancredo (ACP) 34
  • Bonus: SUSA also tested the state AG, SoS, and Treasurer races.

  • CO-Gov (Magellan): John Hickenlooper (D) 44, Dan Maes (R) 9, Tom Tancredo (ACP) 43
  • FL-Sen, FL-Gov (Ipsos for Florida media): Kendrick Meek (D) 20, Marco Rubio (R) 41, Charlie Crist (I) 26; Alex Sink (D) 41, Rick Scott (R) 44
  • Bonus: Ipsos also tested the AG, Ag Comm’r, and CFO races.

  • FL-Gov (Susquehanna for Sunshine State News): Alex Sink (D) 45, Rick Scott (R) 45
  • IL-Sen, IL-Gov (Mason-Dixon for St. Louis Post-Dispatch/KMOV-TV): Pat Quinn (D-inc) 40, Bill Brady (R) 44; Alexi Giannoulias (D) 41, Mark Kirk (R) 43
  • Note: The poll apparently asked respondents about “Alex Giannoulias.”

  • IL-Sen (Market Shares Corp. for the Chicago Tribune): Alexi Giannoulias (D) 41, Mark Kirk (R) 44
  • LA-Sen (Anzalone-Liszt (D) for Charlie Melancon): Charlie Melancon (D) 45, David Vitter (R-inc) 48
  • MA-Gov (Western New England College): Deval Patrick (D-inc) 44, Charlie Baker (R) 36, Tim Cahill (I) 8
  • MA-Gov (UNH): Deval Patrick (D-inc) 43, Charlie Baker (R) 39, Tim Cahill (I) 8
  • MD-Gov (OpinionWorks for the Baltimore Sun): Martin O’Malley (D-inc) 52, Bob Ehrlich (R) 38
  • ME-Gov (Critical Insights): Libby Mitchell (D) 20, Paul LePage (R) 32, Eliot Cutler 19
  • MN-Gov (Princeton Survey Research for the Minneapolis Star-Tribune): Mark Dayton (D) 41, Tom Emmer (R) 34, Tom Horner (I) 13
  • MO-Sen (Mason-Dixon for St. Louis Post-Dispatch/KMOV-TV): Robin Carnahan (D) 40, Roy Blunt (R) 49
  • NY-Gov (Marist): Andrew Cuomo (D) 60, Carl Paladino (R) 37
  • PA-Gov (Quinnipiac): Dan Onorato (D) 44, Tom Corbett (R) 49
  • WV-Sen (Global Strategy Group (D) for Joe Manchin): Joe Manchin (D) 48, John Raese (R) 43
  • Margins & Errors: On Sunday, Pat Toomey moved out to a 3-point lead in the Muhlenberg tracker, while Tom Corbett is +9… some sketchy details of IN-02 internals from Brian Howey: “Howard County Republican Chairman Craig Dunn said internal polling has shown Walorski chipping a 9-point Donnelly lead to “at the margin of error” around 4 percent.” … CNN sources tell them that Harry Reid’s internals have him up 6 over Sharron Angle in NV-Sen… PPP will have polls out for CA, CO, KY & WV this week

    SSP Daily Digest: 10/22 (Morning Edition)

  • AR-Sen (Mason-Dixon): Blanche Lincoln (D-inc) 34, John Boozman (R) 55
  • CA-Sen (Tarrance Group for NRSC): Barbara Boxer (D-inc) 44, Carly Fiorina (R) 44
  • CT-Sen, CT-Gov (PDF) (Suffolk): Richard Blumenthal (D) 57, Linda McMahon (R) 39; Dan Malloy (D) 49, Tom Foley (R) 38 (PDF of crosstabs)
  • Rather unusually, Suffolk included Blumenthal & Malloy twice in their head-to-head questions: once as the Dem candidate, and once as the Working Families Party candidate. Each got about 3-4% as the WFP candidate. I’ve never seen a pollster do this in New York, where the practice of fusion voting is best known.

  • IL-Gov (PPP): Pat Quinn (D-inc) 41 (35), Bill Brady (R) 42 (42)
  • FL-22 (Susquehanna for Sunshine State News): Ron Klein (D-inc) 44, Allen West (R) 47
  • MA-04 (Fleming & Associates for WPRI): Barney Frank (D-inc) 49, Sean Bielat (R) 37
  • MD-01 (Monmouth): Frank Kratovil (D-inc) 42, Andy Harris (R) 53
  • MI-03 (EPIC/MRA): Pat Miles (D) 37, Justin Amash (R) 46
  • MN-01 (Grove Insight (D) for Project New West): Tim Walz (D-inc) 50, Randy Demmer (R) 34
  • MS-04 (Tarrance Group (R) for Steven Palazzo): Gene Taylor (D-inc) 41, Steven Palazzo (R) 43
  • NC-11 (Greenberg Quinlan Rosner (D) for DCCC): Heath Shuler (D-inc) 54, Jeff Miller 39
  • NM-02 (Tarrance Group (R) for Steve Pearce): Harry Teague (D-inc) 41, Steve Pearce (R) 50
  • NY-20 (Public Opinion Strategies (R) for Chris Gibson): Scott Murphy (D-inc) 42, Chris Gibson 44
  • OR-05 (SurveyUSA for KATU-TV): Kurt Schrader (D-inc) 41, Scott Bruun (R) 51
  • Note: Among the 10% who have already voted, Schrader leads 47-46. This continues a pattern we’ve seen in other SUSA polls (and also some, but not all, of the early voting numbers by party registration).

  • PA-06 (Monmouth): Manan Trivedi (D) 44, Jim Gerlach (R-inc) 54
  • PA-17 (Susquehanna for ABC27 News): Tim Holden (D-inc) 58, Justin Argall (R) 28
  • TX-23 (OnMessage (R) for Quico Canseco): Ciro Rodriguez (D-inc) 39, Quico Canseco (R) 45
  • VA-02 (PDF) (Public Opinion Strategies (R) for Scott Rigell): Glenn Nye (D-inc) 41, Scott Rigell 46 (R)
  • VA-05 (Benenson Strategy Group (D) for Tom Perriello): Tom Perriello (D-inc) 46, Rob Hurt (R) 47
  • WA-08 (SurveyUSA for KING-TV): Suzan DelBene (D) 45 (45), Dave Reichert (R-inc) 52 (52)
  • SSP Daily Digest: 10/21 (Morning Edition)

    AK-Sen: Opinion Research (PDF) for CNN/Time (10/15-19, likely voters, 9/24-28 in parens):

    Scott McAdams (D): 23 (22)

    Joe Miller (R): 37 (38)

    Lisa Murkowski (I): (37) 36

    Undecided: 2 (2)

    (MoE: ±3%)

    Look at this crap question wording:

    If the election for U.S. Senate were held today and the candidates were Scott McAdams, the Democrat and Joe Miller, the Republican, who would you be more likely to vote for or would you write in the name of Lisa Murkowski, who is also running?

    AK-Gov: Opinion Research (PDF) for CNN/Time (10/15-19, likely voters, 9/24-28 in parens):

    Ethan Berkowitz (D): 36 (38)

    Sean Parnell (R-inc): 62 (57)

    Undecided: 1 (2)

    (MoE: ±3%)

    AR-Sen: Opinion Research (PDF) for CNN/Time (10/15-19, likely voters, no trendlines):

    Blanche Lincoln (D-inc): 41

    John Boozman (R): 55

    Undecided: 2

    (MoE: ±3.5%)

    AR-Gov: Opinion Research (PDF) for CNN/Time (10/15-19, likely voters, no trendlines):

    Mike Beebe (D-inc): 62

    Jim Keet (R): 33

    Undecided: 2

    (MoE: ±3.5%)

    CA-Sen: PPIC (10/10-17, likely voters, 9/19-26 in parens):

    Barbara Boxer (D-inc): 43 (42)

    Carly Fiorina (R): 38 (35)

    Undecided: 13 (17)

    (MoE: ±3.5%)

    CA-Gov: PPIC (10/10-17, likely voters, 9/19-26 in parens):

    Jerry Brown (D): 44 (37)

    Meg Whitman (R): 36 (38)

    Undecided: 16 (18)

    (MoE: ±3.5%)

    FL-Sen: Opinion Research (PDF) for CNN/Time (10/15-19, likely voters, 9/24-28 in parens):

    Kendrick Meek (D): 20 (23)

    Marco Rubio (R): 46 (42)

    Charlie Crist (I): 32 (31)

    (MoE: ±3.5%)

    FL-Gov: Opinion Research (PDF) for CNN/Time (10/15-19, likely voters, 9/24-28 in parens):

    Alex Sink (D): 46 (45)

    Rick Scott (R): 49 (47)

    (MoE: ±3.5%)

    IL-Sen: Public Policy Polling (D) (PDF) (10/14-16, likely voters, 9/23-26 in parens):

    Alexi Giannoulias (D): 40 (36)

    Mark Kirk (R): 42 (40)

    LeAlan Jones (G): 4 (8)

    Michael Labno (L): 3 (3)

    Undecided: 10 (13)

    (MoE: ±4.2%)

    IL-Sen: Anzalone-Liszt (D) for the DSCC (10/13-17, likely voters, no trendlines):

    Alexi Giannoulias (D): 41

    Mark Kirk (R): 36

    Michael Labno (L): 3

    LeAlan Jones (G): 4

    Undecided: 15

    (MoE: ±4%)

    KY-Sen: Mason-Dixon (PDF) for KY media (10/18-19, likely voters, no trendlines):

    Jack Conway (D): 43

    Rand Paul (R): 48

    Undecided: 9

    (MoE: ±4%)

    MA-10: NMB Research (R) for the NRCC (10/6-7, likely voters, no trendlines):

    Bill Keating (D): 42

    Jeff Perry (R): 44

    (MoE: ±4.9%)

    ME-Gov: Pan Atlantic (PDF) (10/11-15, likely voters, no trendlines):

    Libby Mitchell (D): 28

    Paul LePage (R): 33

    Elliot Cutler (I): 14

    Shawn Moody (I): 5

    Kevin Scott (I): 0

    Undecided: 20

    (MoE: ±4.4%)

    ME-01: Pan Atlantic (PDF) (10/11-15, likely voters, no trendlines):

    Chellie Pingree (D-inc): 49

    Dean Scontras (R):  33

    Undecided: 18

    (MoE: ±6.2%)

    ME-02: Pan Atlantic (PDF) (10/11-15, likely voters, no trendlines):

    Mike Michaud (D-inc): 49

    Jason Levesque (R): 29

    Undecided: 22

    (MoE: ±6.2%)

    MI-07: EPIC/MRA for MI media (10/16-17, likely voters, no trendlines):

    Mark Schauer (D-inc): 45

    Tim Walberg (R): 39

    Other: 7

    Undecided: 9

    (MoE: ±5%)

    MI-09: EPIC/MRA for MI media (10/16-17, likely voters, no trendlines):

    Gary Peters (D-inc): 48

    Rocky Raczkowski (R): 43

    Other: 4

    Undecided: 5

    (MoE: ±5%)

    MO-04: Wilson Research (R) (10/17-18, likely voters, no trendlines):

    Ike Skelton (D-inc): 42

    Vicky Hartzler (R): 42

    (MoE: ±5.7%)

    NY-22: Magellan  (R) (10/19, likely voters, no trendlines):

    Maurice Hinchey (D-inc): 43

    George Phillips (R): 43

    (MoE: ±2.9%)

    NY-Sen: Siena (PDF) (10/14-18, likely voters, 9/16-18 in parens):

    Chuck Schumer (D-inc): 67 (63)

    Jay Townsend (R): 28 (30)

    Undecided: 5 (6)

    (MoE: ±3.9%)

    NY-Sen-B: Siena (PDF) (10/14-18, likely voters, 9/16-18 in parens):

    Kirsten Gillibrand (D-inc): 60 (57)

    Joe DioGuardi (R): 31 (31)

    Undecided: 9 (12)

    (MoE: ±3.9%)

    NY-Gov: Siena (PDF) (10/14-18, likely voters, 10/3-4 in parens):

    Andrew Cuomo (D): 63 (56)

    Carl Paladino (R): 26 (32)

    Undecided: 9 (11)

    (MoE: ±3.9%)

    Bonus: Eric Schneiderman (D) leads Dan Donovan (R) in the AG race, 44-37. Incumbent Tom DiNapoli leads Republican Harry Wilson in the comptroller race, 49-32.

    OH-Sen: Quinnipiac (10/12-17, likely voters, 9/29-10/3 in parens):

    Lee Fisher (D): 34 (36)

    Rob Portman (R): 55

    Undecided: 10 (8)

    (MoE: ±2.8%)

    OH-Sen: Opinion Research (PDF) for CNN/Time (10/15-19, likely voters, 9/10-14 in parens):

    Lee Fisher (D): 40 (41)

    Rob Portman (R): 55 (52)

    Undecided: 3 (2)

    (MoE: ±3.5%)

    OH-Gov: Opinion Research (PDF) for CNN/Time (10/15-19, likely voters, 9/10-14 in parens):

    Ted Strickland (D-inc): 48 (44)

    John Kasich (R): 47 (51)

    Undecided: 2 (1)

    (MoE: ±3.5%)

    OR-01: SurveyUSA for KATU-TV (10/16-18, likely voters, no trendlines):

    David Wu (D-inc): 51

    Rob Corniles (R): 42

    Don LaMunyon (C): 2

    (MoE: ±4.1%)

    PA-04: Susquehanna (10/16-17, likely voters, no trendlines):

    Jason Altmire (D-inc): 47

    Keith Rothfus (R): 35

    Undecided: 18

    (MoE: ±4.9%)

    WA-Sen: Public Policy Polling (D) (10/14-16, likely voters, 7/27-8/1 in parens):

    Patty Murray (D-inc): 49 (49)

    Dino Rossi (R): 47 (46)

    Undecided: 4 (5)

    (MoE: ±2.3%)

    Note: Old trendlines.

    WA-Sen: Marist (PDF) for McClatchy Newspapers (10/14-17, likely voters, no trendlines):

    Patty Murray (D-inc): 48

    Dino Rossi (R): 47

    Undecided: 5

    (MoE: ±4%)

    SSP Daily Digest: 10/20 (Morning Edition)

    Too many polls, too little time. A quick-and-dirty morning digest for you.

  • CA-Sen, CA-Gov – SurveyUSA: Boxer (D-inc) 46, Fiorina (R) 44; Brown 47 (D), Whitman (R) 40
  • CA-Sen, CA-Gov (PDF) – Wilson Research (R): Boxer (D-inc) 43, Fiorina (R) 46; Brown (D) 44, Whitman (R) 45
  • CO-Sen, CO-Gov (PDF) – Ipsos/Reuters: Bennet (D) 45, Buck (R) 48; Hickenlooper (D) 46, Maes (R) 14, Tancredo (ACP) 35
  • FL-02 – Susquehanna for Sunshine State News: Boyd (D-inc) 38, Southerland (R) 50
  • GA-Gov – Insider Advantage: Barnes (D) 40, Deal (R) 45
  • KY-Sen – Bennet, Petts and Normington (D) for the DSCC: Conway (D) 49, Paul (R) 47
  • Note: I’m informed that this poll had a sample of 600.

  • MA-04 – Kiley & Co. (D) for Barney Frank: Frank (D-inc) 56, Bielat (R) 37
  • MD-Gov, MD-Sen (PDF) – Gonzales Research: O’Malley (D-inc) 47, Ehrlich (R) 42; Mikulski (D-inc) 55, Wargotz (R) 38
  • NC-Sen (PDF) – Public Policy Polling: Burr (R-inc) 48, Marshall (D) 40
  • NJ-06 – National Research (R): Pallone (D-inc) 44, Little (R) 43
  • NY-19 (PDF) – Monmouth: Hall (D-inc) 49, Hayworth (R) 48
  • NY-Sen, NY-Sen-B (PDF) – New York Times: Schumer (D-inc) 61, Townsend (R) 21; Gillibrand (D-inc) 50, DioGuardi (R) 25
  • OH-Gov – Quinnipiac: Strickland (D-inc) 41, Kasich (R) 51
  • OR-Gov, OR-Sen – Public Policy Polling for Daily Kos: Kitzhaber (D) 48, Dudley (R) 47; Wyden (D-inc) 56, Huffman (R) 40
  • SC-Gov (PDF) – Crantford & Associates (D): Sheheen (D) 41, Haley (R) 43
  • UT-02 Dan Jones & Associates: Matheson (D-inc) 57, Philpot (R) 31
  • WI-Sen – St. Norbert: Feingold (D-inc) 47, Johnson (R) 49
  • WI-07 – We Ask America: Lassa (D) 39, Duffy (R) 46
  • Margins & Errors: Marc Ambinder tweets about supposedly close internals on both sides in OH-Gov… If the gang at NBC is to be believed, Joe Miller might be turning into Bizarro Scozzafava: “Miller’s getting close to being in free-fall if some private polling is to be believed.”… The Fix faithfully transcribes a batch of NRCC polls, without firm names, sample sizes, or field dates

    SSP Daily Digest: 10/19 (Morning Edition)

    What better way to celebrate SSP’s seventh birthday than to give you another firehose blast of polls?

    AL-02: Greenberg Quinlan Rosner (D) for the DCCC (10/9-12, likely voters, 9/26-28 in parens):

    Bobby Bright (D-inc): 51 (52)

    Martha Roby (R): 39 (43)

    (MoE: ±4.9%)

    AR-01: Anzalone Liszt for the DCCC (10/11-13, likely voters, 9/13-16 in parens):

    Chad Causey (D): 44 (46)

    Rick Crawford (R): 42 (44)

    (MoE: ±4.9%)

    AR-01: Talk Business Research and Hendrix College (PDF) (10/14, likely voters, 8/17 in parens):

    Chad Causey (D): 34 (32)

    Rick Crawford (R): 42 (48)

    Ken Adler (G): 4 (4)

    Undecided: 20 (20)

    (MoE: ±4.7%)

    AR-02: Talk Business Research and Hendrix College (PDF) (10/14, likely voters, 8/17 in parens):

    Joyce Elliott (D): 38 (35)

    Tim Griffin (R): 50 (52)

    Lance Levi (I): 3 (3)

    Lewis Kennedy (G): 3 (1)

    Undecided: 7 (9)

    (MoE: ±4.6%)

    AR-03: Talk Business Research and Hendrix College (PDF) (10/14, likely voters, 8/25 in parens):

    David Whitaker (D): 21 (31)

    Steve Womack (R): 59 (55)

    Undecided: 20 (14)

    (MoE: ±4.2%)

    AR-04: Talk Business Research and Hendrix College (PDF) (10/14, likely voters, 8/25-26 in parens):

    Mike Ross (D-inc): 52 (49)

    Beth Anne Rankin (R): 34 (31)

    Joshua Drake (G): 3 (4)

    Undecided: 11 (16)

    (MoE: ±4.2%)

    CA-47: Public Opinion Strategies (R) for Van Tran (10/13-14, likely voters, no trendlines):

    Loretta Sanchez (D-inc): 39

    Van Tran (R): 39

    Ceci Iglesias (I): 5

    Undecided: 17

    (MoE: ±5.7%)

    FL-Sen: Suffolk (10/14-17, likely voters, no trendlines):

    Kendrick Meek (D): 22

    Marco Rubio (R): 39

    Charlie Crist (I): 31

    Undecided: 6

    (MoE: ±4.4%)

    FL-Gov: Suffolk (10/14-17, likely voters, no trendlines):

    Alex Sink (D): 45

    Rick Scott (R): 38

    Undecided: 13

    (MoE: ±4.4%)

    Misc.: In the AG race, Pam Bondi (R) leads Dan Gelber (D), 38-30. Also, a poll by Voter Survey Service (aka Susquehanna) for the right-wing Sunshine State News site has Adam Putnam (R) leading Scott Maddox (D) in the Ag Comm’r race, 40-35. Tea Party candidate Ira Chester takes 14%.

    MA-Gov: Public Opinion Strategies (R) for Charlie Baker (10/11-13, likely voters, no trendlines):

    Deval Patrick (D-inc): 35

    Charlie Baker (R): 42

    Tim Cahill (I): 10

    (MoE: ±3.5%)

    MA-10: MassINC Polling Group for WGBH (10/13-15, likely voters incl. leaners, no trendlines):

    William Keating (D): 46

    Jeffrey Perry (R): 43

    Other: 5

    Undecided: 4

    (MoE: ±4.9%)

    MI-Gov: Foster McCollum White and Baydoun Consulting (D) (PDF) (10/7, likely voters, no trendlines):

    Virg Bernero (D): 37

    Rick Snyder: 50

    Undecided: 13

    (MoE: ±2.1%)

    MO-Sen: Public Policy Polling (D) (PDF) for Robin Carnahan (10/17-18, likely voters, 8/14-15 in parens):

    Robin Carnahan (D): 41 (38)

    Roy Blunt (R): 46 (45)

    Jerry Beck (C): 3 (5)

    Jonathan Dine (L): 3 (3)

    Undecided: 7 (9)

    (MoE: ±3.9%)

    NM-Gov: SurveyUSA for KOB-TV (10/12-14, likely voters, 5/23-25 in parens)

    Diane Denish (D): 42 (43)

    Susana Martinez (R): 54 (49)

    Undecided: 4 (8)

    (MoE: ±3.9%)

    Note: Among the 13% of respondents who say they have already voted, Martinez has a 60-36 lead.

    NY-25: Siena (10/10-12, likely voters, no trendlines):

    Dan Maffei (D-inc): 51

    Ann Marie Buerkle (R): 39

    Undecided: 10

    (MoE: ±3.9%)

    Note: Maggie Haberman tweets that Karl Rove’s American Crossroads plans to get involved here.

    NY-Gov: New York Times (PDF) (10/10-15, likely voters, no trendlines):

    Andrew Cuomo (D): 59

    Carl Paladino (R): 24

    Undecided: 12

    (MoE: ±3%)

    OR-04: Grove Insight (D) for Peter DeFazio (10/11-12, likely voters, no trendlines):

    Peter DeFazio (D-inc): 53

    Art Robinson (R): 39

    (MoE: ±4.9%)

    OR-05: Moore Information (R) for Scott Bruun (10/13-14, likely voters, no trendlines):

    Kurt Schrader (D-inc): 40

    Scott Bruun: 44

    (MoE: ±5.7%)

    PA-15: Muhlenberg (PDF) (10/5-13, likely voters, 9/11-16 in parens):

    John Callahan (D): 32 (38)

    Charlie Dent (R-inc): 49 (49)

    Jake Towne (I): 5 (3)

    Undecided: 13 (10)

    (MoE: ±5%)

    UT-Gov: Dan Jones & Associates for the Deseret News/KSL-TV (10/11-14, “active voters,” 10/7-13 in parens):

    Peter Corroon (D): 33 (31)

    Gary Herbert (R-inc): 58 (52)

    Undecided: 6 (13)

    (MoE: ±4%)

    Note: The Deseret News says that Dan Jones has also done polling for Herbert. Should we be regarding them as an (R) pollster?

    UT-Gov: Wats (9/30-10/3, likely voters, no trendlines):

    Peter Corroon (D): 27

    Gary Herbert (R-inc): 58

    Undecided: 12

    (MoE: ±4%)

    Note: Dan Jones also has UT-Sen numbers. also has UT-Sen, UT-01, and UT-03 numbers.

    VA-05: Roanoke College (10/5-14, likely voters, no trendlines):

    Tom Perriello (D-inc): 40

    Rob Hurt (R): 46

    Jeffrey Clark (I): 1

    Undecided: 13

    (MoE: ±4.1%)

    WI-Gov: St. Norbert College (PDF) for Wisconsin Public Radio (10/12-15, likely voters, 3/23-31 in parens):

    Tom Barrett (D): 41 (28)

    Scott Walker (R): 50 (44)

    Undecided: 6 (17)

    (MoE: ±5%)

    Margins & Errors: The Fix publishes an alleged WA-Sen poll without either field dates or sample size… Bill Kristol (yeah, that Bill Kristol) claims he has his hands on an OH-10 poll – he has the n, but won’t say the pollster’s name, who paid for the poll, or when it was taken… has a PDF from ccAdvertising with numbers for WV-Sen, WV-01, and WV-03 – but not only does ccA report to hundredths of a percent, they get taken to the woodshed by Mark Blumenthal for refusing to divulge the poll’s sponsor

    SSP Daily Digest: 10/18 (Morning Edition)

  • CO-Sen: In a debate on Meet the Press with Sen. Michael Bennet, GOPer Ken Buck said he thinks that being gay is a choice – and then followed up by saying, “I think that birth has an influence over it, like alcoholism and some other things, but I think that basically you have a choice.”
  • NH-Sen: This is not so helpful: Paul Hodes’s former pollster, Mountain West Research, just agreed to pay New Hampshire a $20K fine for failing to comply with state law regarding a negative message-testing poll they did on behalf of Hodes this past summer. The AP calls it “push polling,” but it quite clearly wasn’t, given the small number of respondents involved, and also the timing (push polling is something you do to mass numbers of people right before election day). It seems like Mountain West’s sin was failing to identify the poll’s sponsor (i.e., Hodes) on their calls.
  • PA-Sen: CQ says that the DSCC has spent $4.7 million in Pennsylvania to date (not include the $1.2 million they shelled out to help Arlen Specter), and Dems expect to spend $9 million before all is said and done, making it the biggest commitment in the nation. Thanks to independent groups, the NRSC has only spent about $600K here so far.
  • WV-Sen: This has already come up on the campaign trail (Joe Manchin’s mentioned it in ads, for instance), but now it’s official: John Raese’s wife has been formally purged from the West Virginia voting rolls – because she’s also registered to vote in Florida, where she lives. (Ooh! Voter fraud!) And while we’re on the topic, Raese probably wishes that Rush Limbaugh would shut his big fat mouth. This is how Big Pharma described the senate candidate while endorsing him on his show:
  • “Full disclosure, I happen to know John Raese. He is a part-time resident here in Palm Beach and he has a locker right across the, right across the bench from me at a prominent local club. I’ve never played golf with him, but I’ve met him.”

    As the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette’s Daniel Malloy says, “The image of Raese rubbing elbows with Rush at a swank Palm Beach country club is not one that the Raese campaign must welcome right now.”

  • AZ-07: I wonder what guys like Steve Driehaus have to think when they get told to walk the plank while veterans in much bluer districts who are victims only of their own self-inflicted wounds – oh, such as, I dunno, Raul Grijalva – get help airlifted in from above. Anyhow, the DCCC must clearly sense trouble in AZ’s 7th CD, since they’ve gone up on the air here with an ad hitting Ruth McClung for supporting a 23% national sales tax.
  • FL-22: You may have seen the news that GOPer Allen West has a disturbingly close relationship with a notorious gang of violent criminals known as the Outlaws Motorcycle Club. The best part now, though, is West’s denial that he has any affiliation with the group, in which he channels a sort of Bizarro Groucho Marx. The Outlaws, you see, “do not accept blacks, Jews or gays.” Phew!
  • NC-11: Big Dog alert! Bill Clinton is doing a rally for Heath Shuler in Asheville on Thursday.
  • NY-22: It may not be quite Paul LePage levels, but Maurice Hinchey probably wishes he hadn’t gotten so testy with a reporter who asked him questions about whether he had a financial interest in a local development project. On tape, you can see Hinchey tell William Kemble that he is “full of baloney” and to “shut up.” After the cameras stopped rolling, though, Hinchey apparently “made a beeline for Kemble and got in his face.” Crew for local station YNN said they “saw the congressman poke Kemble in the chest aggressively.”
  • TN-08: Though Ron Johnson’s received probably the most attention in recent months, I think Steve Fincher may be this cycle’s granddaddy for bailouts-for-me-but-not-for-thee Republicanism. As an agribusiness kingpin, he’s raked in millions in federal farm subsidies. Now it turns out that he also received a state grant just last year – and may have even violated the terms of that grant by selling the equipment it helped him buy too quickly.
  • TX-17: It looks like Bill Flores is going to win the Tommy Thompson Award for Crazy Beliefs Blamed on Bodily Functions. You may recall that Thompson (by far my favorite Republican candidate to run in the last GOP presidential primary) claimed that a full bladder caused him to say he favored allowing employers to fire gay employees during a debate in 2007. Now Flores wants backsies for telling an interviewer that he was not opposed to raising the Social Security retirement age… because he had a headache.
  • DCCC/NRCC: CQ says that so far, the NRCC has spent $31 million on independent expenditures this cycle, while the D-Trip has spent $22 mil.
  • Senate: Politico has a roundup of senate fundraising numbers.
  • SSP TV:

    • PA-Sen: It’s been a while, but at long last, we finally have another poop-themed ad, thanks to Joe Sestak
    • KY-Sen: I worship you, Aqua Buddha! (Apparently this ad has turned Rand Paul into a WATB)
    • GA-Gov: Roy Barnes hits Nathan Deal for once having tried to weaken the state’s rape shield law; the RGA uses a clip of Roy Barnes dismissing the deaths of two children in state custody: “Out of 20,000 children, you’re going to have children die every day.”
    • NY-Gov: Andrew Cuomo whacks Carl Paladino on abortion rights
    • CA-03: Karl Rove’s American Crossroads attacks Ami Bera for supporting “Obamacare”
    • CA-20: The DCCC says Republican Andy Vidak wants to cut federal funding for water projects (apparently a big issue in this district)
    • NY-04: Carolyn McCarthy’s first spot of the cycle touts her focus on job creation
    • OH-02: Dem Surya Yalamanchili says his ad cost him only $20 to make
    • TX-27: In a much-less-good-than-it-could-have-been ad, Rep. Solomon Ortiz features that goofy photo of Blake Farenthold in his pajamas with a scantily clad woman
    • VA-01: Dem Krystal Ball introduces herself with her first ad

    AK-Sen: Joe Miller’s Private Guards Handcuff Editor (?!?)

    All I can say is, WTF?

    Alaska Dispatch founder and editor Tony Hopfinger was grabbed and handcuffed by a private security detail working for U.S. Senate candidate Joe Miller on Sunday while trying to ask the Fairbanks Republican questions following a town hall meeting at Central Middle School in Anchorage on Sunday.

    Hopfinger was reportedly pressing Miller on whether the candidate had ever been reprimanded for politicking while working at the Fairbanks North Star Borough in 2008. Alaska Dispatch and other media have sued for the release of records related Miller’s time at the borough. Various accounts of what happened next generally agree on this course of events:

    • Two or three bodyguards told Hopfinger to stop asking questions and to leave the building.
    • Hopfinger continued to ask questions while apparently videotaping the candidate.
    • Bodyguards told him that if he persisted they would arrest him for trespassing, but refused to identify themselves to Hopfinger.
    • Hopfinger asked why he was trespassing, as the event was at a public school. Seconds later, he was then put in arm-bar and later handcuffed and sequestered at one end of a hallway for at least 30 minutes. He was told, “You’re under arrest.”
    • Anchorage Police arrived on the scene shortly after.

    A later update says that Hopfinger was released after police arrived. Seriously, this is the kind of freaky Mad Max-style shit that is what we can expect in Joe Miller’s America.

    UPDATE: More here from the ADN.

    LATER UPDATE: Joe Miller has his version of events. See also the HQ of Miller’s security firm – particularly the poster they feature in the window.

    SSP Daily Digest: 10/14 (Morning Edition)

    What would you do without the Daily Digests?

  • MO-Sen: Republican media trackers tell Politico that the DSCC has cancelled $1.3 million worth of ad buys in Kansas City and St. Louis for the final week before the election. The DS tried to push back, saying that “decisions are made on a week-to-week basis,” but as Swingnuts well know, cancelling early reservations now subjects you to forfeiting deposits – and means you have to pay higher rates if you decide to go back in later. In other words, late cancellations are not made lightly.
  • WV-Sen: John Raese has one simple request. And that is to have sharks with frickin’ laser beams attached to their heads!
  • NV-Sen: So maybe some of that cash earmarked for Missouri is going to Nevada instead. On the heels of Sharron Angle’s eye-bursting $14 million haul, the DSCC is making its first ad reservations in the Silver State, apparently for a million bucks a week.
  • GA-Gov: Wow, Nathan Deal really is the epitome of the corrupt scumbag who thinks the purposes of getting elected to public office is to use his position for personal gain. As the AP explains: “While in Congress, Republican Nathan Deal lobbied Georgia’s attorney general and top state environmental officials to allow the development of a landfill that he and his business partner wanted next to their auto salvage yard….” Note that though this involves Deal’s auto salvage business, this is actually a different scandal from the one which inspired him to resign from Congress (there, he had lobbied the state from his perch in the House to preserve a questionable vehicle inspection program from which he profited immensely).
  • NY-Gov: For the trouble of offering a half-assed, bullshit, “I’m sorry if you were offended” non-apology, Carl Paladino has now lost the backing of the right-wing rabbi, Yehuda Levin, who helped pen the anti-gay speech which got Paladino into such hot water to begin with.
  • Relatedly, a truly awesome catch by Politico’s Maggie Haberman: She digs waaay deep to link a story at the Orthodox-oriented news blog Voz Iz Neias (Yiddish for “What’s News?”) about Paladino’s flubbed outreach in the Orthodox community. Though it’s getting far less play than his homophobic outburst, Paladino also attacked a bunch of big-time rebbes (Hasidic leaders) for supposedly being suckered into going soft on the libruhl Andrew Cuomo (who had also done the ritual meet-and-greets in Hasidic communities). Several prominent rabbis are now rebuking Paladino for waltzing on to their turf and making such presumptuous accusations against some of their own. So not only did Paladino piss off half the state thanks to this trip, he pissed off the very people he was trying to win over! In a word: fail.

  • CA-03: There aren’t a whole lot of bright spots these days, but one of them is definitely Dan Lungren. The former state AG managed to win in 2008 against a badly underfunded opponent with less than 50% of the vote, and has been getting his ass kicked in fundraising literally every quarter this cycle by Ami Bera. So with his back against the wall, Karl Rove is coming to the rescue. American Crossroads/Crossroads GPS is launching ads in the district on Friday, but NWOTSOTB as yet.
  • CA-45: You know I’m a ratfucking fetishist, so of course it warms my heart to hear that Dem Steve Pougnet is doing his best to prop up teabagger Bill Lussenheide. He’s targeting Republicans with robocalls that say Lussenheide is the “true conservative” – but he’s also sending out mailers to the same households describing him as “extreme” and “dangerous” while calling Rep. Mary Bono Mack a “raging liberal.” I imagine the idea is that what’s “extreme” and “dangerous” to normal people is actually appealing to crazies. I also love the fact that Bono Mack’s people whined that this was a “dirty trick” – just shows they are a bunch of weenies who don’t know how to fight.
  • LA-02: Man, it seems like most pols in Louisiana care about party loyalty as much as the writers of LOST cared about not pissing off their fans after six fucking years of slavishly watching that goddamn… uh, where was I? Oh yeah, state Rep. Juan LaFonta, who got pasted in the Democratic primary by Cedric Richmond, has decided to endorse Republican Rep. Joe Cao for re-election. This does not seem like the winning move to me. (And screw you, J. J. Abrams!)
  • OH-09: This comment has the flavor of Star Trek nerds debating whether Captain Picard ever wore the Federation dress uniform while on the bridge of the Enterprise D during season 4… only, except, you know, this guy is actually trying to be serious. Rich Iott’s spokesbot pleaded with Politico to understand that no, it was an SS uniform, not a NAZI uniform! I’m sure that will please John Boehner, who, as it turns out, gave $5,000 to Iott last month. Think he wants his Reichsmarks back?
  • PA-03: Paging Mark Twain… Mark Twain to the white courtesy phone. The AFSCME evidently thinks that rumors of Kathy Dahlkemper’s demise are at least somewhat exaggerated, since they’re dropping $350K on ads on her behalf. Triage is a tricky business.
  • WI-08: Aaron Blake tweets that the DCCC is “pulling out” of the 8th CD, but as is often the case, the picture is more nuanced. First off, AFSCME just dropped $750K here (to which Blake alludes). Secondly, Kagen is personally wealthy. In fact, in 2008, he was the 28th-richest member of the House, with a net worth of anywhere between $7 and $20 million. Hopefully his investments haven’t taken too bad of hit the last couple of years and he can still afford to spend large (he gave his campaign almost $900K last cycle).
  • SSP TV:

    • GA-08: Jim Marshall’s anti-Pelosi ad actually has hippies in it – for reals
    • NY-20: Fuck yes – Scott Murphy’s latest lacerates Chris Gibson for supporting repeal of the healthcare reform bill. Murphy, like Earl Pomeroy, knows the only way to win is to go loud and proud
    • TN-04: Lincoln Davis lacerates Scott DesJarlais for reportedly threatening his ex-wife with a gun – and threatening to kill himself. Stories like this were a big reason why Don Sherwood and Randy Kuhl both lost
    • ID-01: On behalf of Walt Minnick, the mother of a woman murdered by her abuser hits Raul Labrador for his failure to support laws that would protect women in abusive relationships
    • MA-06: Republican Bill Hudak hits Rep. John Tierney on a story we’ve been somewhat remiss in covering here: namely, his wife’s recent guilty plea for tax fraud. By referring to “Tierney’s family,” the ad makes it sound like Tierney himself was involved, but Hudak gets away with this legerdemain because the wife’s brother (family by marriage, I suppose) was also involved. The ad is only running on cable (Hudak had less than $100K on hand at the end of August)

    Independent Expenditures:

    • America’s Families First Action Fund: Sounds like a GOP group, but it’s actually Dem to the bone: $80K against David Schweikert (AZ-05); $403K against David Rivera (FL-25); $94K on mail against Bob Dold! (FL-25); $200K against Randy Hultgren (IL-14)
    • EMILY: $520K against Tom Ganley (OH-13); $212K against Cory Gardner (CO-04); $20K against Frank Guinta (NH-01)
    • NEA: $1.4 million against Ken Buck (CO-Sen); $306K against Harold Johnson (NC-08)
    • Realtors: $450K for Jim Gerlach (PA-06)
    • SEIU: $100K on radio ads for Cedric Richmond (LA-02); smaller amounts in MI-07 & IL-17
    • VoteVets: $325K cable buy against Pat Toomey (PA-Sen); $31K buy against Mike Fitzpatrick (PA-08); $296K for Harry Reid (NV-Sen)