NJ-Sen: GOP Biotech Millionaire Leaning Toward Senate Run

The NJ GOP’s recruitment saga for the race against Sen. Frank Lautenberg is a well-known farce by now.  But could Republicans actually pull one out of the fire here and recruit a respectable challenger?  PolitickerNJ says that they just might:

Biotech millionaire John Crowley is now close to entering the race for the Republican U.S. Senate nomination, after receiving calls from several GOP Senators, including presidential candidate John McCain, urging him to run, according to Republican sources.

Other sources said that Crowley spoke with one Republican Senate candidate, Andy Unanue, tonight and told him that he is now likely to run. Unanue has told some GOP leaders that he would withdraw from the race if Crowley gets in.

Crowley spoke at length today with Sen. John Ensign (R-NV), the Chairman of the National Republican Senatorial Committee, who urged him to run and committed resources if he does. At least five other Republican Senators also reportedly lobbied Crowley, whose efforts to find a cure for a rare genetic disease that affects two of his three children has caused Republican leaders to view the political newcomer as a potentially strong Senate candidate.

Perhaps Crowley and the NRSC are heartened by Dem Rep. Rob Andrews’ primary challenge of Lautenberg, and hope that Crowley could capitalize on the weaknesses of Lautenberg that Andrews will highlight in his primary bid.

NY-25: Former Ron Paul Organizer David Gay Jumps Into Congressional Race

Ever since Republican Congressman Jim Walsh announced his retirement, the GOP has had a difficult time finding a candidate to run for this district, leaving Democrat Dan Maffei unopposed.  Well, Maffei is still the clear favorite to win in November, but he is not officially unopposed anymore; David Gay, a former organizer for Ron Paul's presidential campaign, has stepped up to the plate.  I have a feeling that the GOP will have trouble getting behind him, though, since he doesn't exactly toe the party line when it comes to intervening in other people's– or other nations'– matters:  

As a true Conservative Republican voter, I will answer this call to action. I will defeat my opponent using no other guide for my campaign than the Declaration of Independence and the United States Constitution. In Congress I will work relentlessly in defense of our rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.  I believe we should eliminate the income tax, stop taxing Social Security pensions, respect private property, secure our national borders, stop government spending with credit we can never afford to repay, and bring our troops home from all over the world immediately.  In Washington, I will fight to keep the government out of our wallets, our bedrooms, our telephone calls, and our daily lives. 

Somehow, I have a feeling that the only Republicans left in the northeast will be those with libertarian views such as those of David Gay.  And even then, the Democrats will handily win.  Here’s to the prospect of a completely blue northeast!  

NJ-Sen, NJ-01: Andrews Will Challenge Lautenberg

PolitickerNJ has the confirmation: Rep. Rob Andrews (NJ-01) will challenge Sen. Frank Lautenberg in the Democratic primary for NJ-Sen. The primary is June 3rd. A new poll shows Lautenberg with a hefty lead, but undoubtedly name rec is playing a big role here. Meanwhile, NJ pols are rushing to pick sides. This is going to be a serious battle, and I wouldn’t be surprised if other members of Congress jump in as well.

This also opens up Andrews’ House seat, a safe D+14 district. Undoubtedly there will be a ton of scrambling to succeed Andrews.

Pennsylvania: An Obama Lead?

cross-posted from Election Inspection.

The latest Pennsylvania primary polls show a lot of movement towards Obama:

Pollster Date Obama Clinton
PPP 3/31-4/1 45 43
Quinnipiac 3/24-3/31 41 50
SUSA 3/29-3/31 41 53
Rasmussen 3/31 42 47
ARG 3/26-3/27 39 51

Analysis below the flip.

Compared with the previous result from each pollster, all except ARG show a net gain for Obama:

PPP: Obama net gains 28 from two weeks prior

Quinnipiac: Obama net gains 3 from two weeks prior

SUSA: Obama net gains 7 from three weeks prior

Rasmussen: Obama net gains 5 from one week prior, 8 from 3/12, and 10 from 3/5.

ARG: Obama net loses 1 from 19 days prior.

PPP published an article immediately before they released their PA poll today touting their accuracy in prior contests like Texas and Ohio. Looks to me like they’re trying to protect their reputation in the face of the fact that today’s poll and the prior one in the state are major outliers in opposite directions. In other words, let’s discount PPP for now; and ARG while we’re at it, since ARG polls tend to be way off until the final day of the contest. That leaves a spead of 5, 9, and 12, which is right in line with my analysis from Monday suggesting that as things stand today, Clinton would win Pennsylvania by 5-15 points. However, the trending suggests that the race continues to tighten, and if this continues, Clinton will win Pennsylvania by single digits, if at all.

And as I’ve said previously, a single digit win in Pennsylvania will make any suggestion that she could win this nomination sound mathematically ridiculous instead of merely far-fetched. Clinton’s campaign should be in full panic mode by this point, because this is their last chance and it is slipping away.

Election Inspection’s current delegate breakdown: Clinton 55, Obama 48

By what margin will Bob Shamansky win?

View Results

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More Distortions From Exxon Ed Whitfield

Yesterday, I told you about the little work of fantasy and fiction that Exxon Ed Whitfield calls a website. We looked at how Exxon Eddie threw away $106 billion dollars in corporate welfare, while casting the deciding vote in denying crucial funding for the programs our veterans were promised, and depended upon.  

Well, that was not the only hypocrisy and untruth on this website. It is a work of fantasy which compares with J.R. Tolkien, and R.A. Salvatore. Today we will continue our fantasy reading on another essential issue that could really help our farmers and workers here in Western Kentucky, the issue of investment in renewable energy. Lets look at Exxon Eddie’s quote on Energy Independence:

High energy costs weigh on every Kentucky family and that is why Congressman Whitfield has been focused on alternative energy solutions like clean coal technology, ethanol, bio diesel and coal gasification to reduce America’s dependence on foreign oil.


Now, this fantasy unfortunately doesn’t match with the reality of Exxon Eddie’s voting record. He says he is focused on Renewable Energy, but the opposite is true. Yes, Exxon Eddie wants you to believe that he is working so hard to try and make renewables viable, but he voted against this bill in 2007:

HR 6: To reduce our Nation’s dependency on foreign oil by investing in clean, renewable, and alternative energy resources, promoting new emerging energy technologies, developing greater efficiency, and creating a Strategic Energy Efficiency and Renewables Reserve to invest in alternative energy, and for other purposes.

Here is what it sought to accomplish:

– Denies a deduction for income attributable to domestic production of oil, natural gas, or their related primary products.

– Defines conditions of new leases authorizing oil or natural gas production in the Gulf of Mexico, requiring lessees to have: (1) renegotiated covered leases to change payment responsibilities to include price thresholds equal to or less than specified price thresholds; or (2) paid all conservation of resources fees or agreed to pay them.

– Establishes fees for producing and nonproducing federal oil and gas leases in Gulf of Mexico

– Repeals incentives for natural gas production from wells in the shallow waters of the Gulf of Mexico

– Creates reserve of funds received as result of this Act, that will be used to offset costs of accelerating the use of renewable energy resources and alternative fuels


Wait, he has been focused on renewable energy, but he failed to break ranks with Mitch McConnell, Dick Cheney and the Oil industry to vote his conscience on this vital bill? Well, he has other motivations too:

Chevron Corp  $100,001 to $250,000  

Exxon Mobil  $100,001 to $250,000


How can Ed Whitfield solve the problem of high energy prices when he is actually INVESTED in the problem? When he is INVESTED in, and followed blindly the failed ideology of the most irresponsible and wasteful Administration in our history, that of George W. Bush, following of course close behind his mentor Mitch McConnell.

We need Heather Ryan in the Congress fighting for Renewable Energy and the promise it holds states like Kentucky. Here is some of her take on creating and manufacturing the Fuels of the Future:

We need to double the budget for the Dept. of Energy to research in renewable energy and increase efficiency. We should help businesses that are bringing new energy solutions to the marketplace at an accelerated pace. We should mandate the use of safe renewable energy sources that hold promise for Kentucky such as solar, wind and biomass and require them to produce 25% of our energy needs by the year 2025. We should require that Oil Companies make biofuels available at their pumps and that all new cars after 2010 be flex-fuel and be compatible with gasoline or biofuel. We must develop new ways to produce and use ethanol and cellulistic ethanol and offer incentives to new refineries for the fuels of the future. Last, we should make permanent the expiring tax credits for the production of renewable energy and repeal tax credits for dirty energy producers who have made record profits at the expense of the American citizen.

Of course, she is invested in the everyday people of our district whom she lives, works and raises her family among, not Exxon and Chevron. She wants to see her neighbors working high-paying union jobs growing and refining the fuels of the future in our district instead of creating 19,000 jobs flipping burgers and washing dishes in thirteen years. Wow, 19,000 jobs in thirteen years? Thats not much over a thousand a year. Is he bragging about that, its on his website too!!??

This is an absolutely crucial issue that our leaders are long overdue in adressing. Events of the last few years have shown all Americans that we simply must get serious about this issue. Heather understands what investment in the fuels of the future means not only for this district and state, but for the country. While Whitfield is mired in the failures of the past by his own investments, Heather is ready to blaze new ways, with new ideas in a new century.  

Ed Whitfield has had a long run as Congressman of the First District of Kentucky. He has become wealthier in that thirteen years as the people of this district fall further behind. He is invested in the old ways that have failed the American people. He is invested in the failed Energy policies of the Bush Administration and will continue to vote for them as long as he holds office. Our energy prices will continue to soar, and he will make more profit.

On the other hand, Heather is young, smart, energetic, and understands that we can’t remain in the failed policies of the past. She is educated and has dreamed of a life in public service since she was ten. She tries to find the most sensible solution to every problem. She must depend on the people of the first district because she hasn’t amassed a million dollars in special interest money to run on. She is a Washington outsider, and understands the challenges we face because she lives among us and faces them with us.

We are truly a grassroots campaign and we need the support of Democrats everywhere who think that any qualified person in this country should be able to serve. Support us here:


Lets take this country back district by district together!!!    



Contact: Victor M. Ordonez

Email: vmo1701@gmail.com



Electrical Workers” and Iron Workers” Union Endorses McCracken Campaign

Mark B. McCracken, Democratic candidate for United States House of Representatives in the 5th Congressional District of Pennsylvania is proud to announce that he has received the endorsements from the 2,760 plus members of the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW) Local Union #5 and the 263 member International Association of Bridge, Structural, Ornamental & Reinforcing Iron Workers Local Union #772.

In receiving the endorsement of these important labor organizations, Mr. McCracken stated “I am honored to have my candidacy endorsed by two organizations that represent the working people of Pennsylvania.  I know firsthand the struggles our working class face and I plan on being a strong voice in Washington for the people who work hard everyday, but lack the representation at the federal level they deserve.”

During McCracken”s tenure as a Clearfield County Commissioner, he has worked to establish a working relationship with representatives of organized labor within Clearfield County to keep them advised on economic development projects.  In endorsing McCracken”s candidacy, Michael Dunleavy, Business Manager for IBEW Local #5 wrote “I am convinced that your viewpoints and stance on issues that concern not only organized labor, but the well-being of all working Pennsylvanians are sound.  Your inclusion of labor as part of the process of economic development and job creation is commendable.  To us, your background and professional experience makes your candidacy a sound investment.”

These labor endorsements offer a significant boost to the candidacy of Mark B. McCracken to be the next congressman for the 5th congressional district.  The endorsements by the IBEW and the Iron Workers offer positive proof of the pro-active and involved leader that Mark B. McCracken is as a county commissioner which is the same effort he will put forth as a member of Congress.


If you”d like more information about this topic, or to schedule an interview with Mr. Mark B. McCracken, please email either mkamccracken@verizon.net or the Media & Policy Advisor at vmo1701@gmail.com.


You can read the endorsement letters here!


This diary is cross-posted at McCracken’s campaign blog, PA’s Blue Fifth

Mark McCracken for Congress

ActBlue page

Son of 1Q Fundraising Results Thread

Come on, feel the noise:


     Joe Garcia (D): $320K raised (since mid-February)


     Charlie Brown (D): $225K raised


     Russ Warner (D): $100K raised

Feel free to post more reports in the comments.  We’ll add more numbers as we get ’em.



     John Adler (D): $529K raised


     Jane Mitakides (D): $150K raised

Yesterday’s numbers can be found here.

FL-25: Fundraising Numbers – with video of Joe Garcia!

Thanks to your support Joe Garcia is well on his way to taking out Bush rubberstamp Mario Diaz-Balart in the 25th district of Florida.

In half of a quarter, nearly 2,000 people contributed over $320,000 to own the campaign, that's more people than have donated to Diaz-Balart's campaign in all his years in the US House combined. Joe sent out this message of thanks to supporters:


This campaign is different because it's about us. It's about our community and the issues we care about. Because of you, what started out only eight weeks ago as a local campaign out of Kendall is now capturing the nation's attention.

You decided that it was time for new leadership that brought us together and didn't try to use Cuba as a political tool to scare up votes or divide our community.

You decided that the special interests have had their way in Washington for far too long and that it is time for someone to stand up for you and your family.

Your voice has made it clear that revitalizing our economy, making healthcare affordable and confronting global climate change are not Republican or Democrat problems — they are American challenges that we can meet in this new century.

Thanks to the help of Democracy for America, Blue Majority and the Netroots, local unions on the ground, and the citizens of the 25th district of Florida, this campaign is truly a people movement. Over the upcoming months, you can help strengthen this grassroots effort to build a team of coalitions and people-powered work in South Florida that will help turn the 25th district blue.

Joe Garcia for Congress


Poll Round-up: CO-Sen, ME-Sen, MN-Sen, IN-Gov

Three new polls today from GOP polling firm McLaughlin & Associates (3/6-9, likely voters, no trendlines).


Mark Udall (D): 44%

Bob Schaffer (R): 32%

(MoE: ±4.9%)


Tom Allen (D): 31%

Susan Collins (R-inc): 54%

(MoE: ±4.9%)


Al Franken (D): 40%

Norm Coleman (R-inc): 46%

(MoE: ±4.5%)

IN-Gov (D) (SUSA):

Jim Schellinger (D): 41%

Jill Long Thompson (D): 39%

Undecided: 20%

(MoE: ±4.5%)

Rumor has it, Schellinger will pick up the endorsement of former Indiana Gov. Joe Kernan tomorrow, which should be a valuable boost in a race as close as this one.