WI-Gov/WI-Sen: Dems in Pretty Good Shape

Research 2000 for Daily Kos (6/8-10, likely voters, no trendlines):

Jim Doyle (D-inc): 48

Scott Walker (R): 36

Undecided: 16

Jim Doyle (D-inc): 49

Mark Neumann (R): 35

Undecided: 16

Jim Doyle (D-inc): 45

Tommy Thompson (R): 47

Undecided: 8

(MoE: ±4%)

Incumbent Gov. Jim Doyle has an unlovely 43-48 approval rating, yet he’s still close to the 50% mark against his likeliest opponents, Milwaukee Co. Executive Scott Walker and former WI-01 Rep. Mark Neumann. Half the sample has no opinion of Walker, while a third doesn’t know Neumann, but interestingly, they pull identical numbers. (The only other poll of this race, by the Republican firm POS, showed similar nums for Doyle but had both GOPers in the low 40s.)

Meanwhile, former Gov. Tommy Thompson remains pretty popular (54-36), but only holds Doyle to a dead heat. Perhaps Obama’s 14-point thumping of John McCain is a signal that Wisconsin’s politics have changed – or maybe voters are just tired of Tommy, who was elected to an unprecedented four terms and then, after an ineffectual stint in the Bush cabinet, made a fool of himself with an embarrassing presidential run.

My gut is that the 67-year-old Thompson, who has been toying with a run, won’t get in. Thing is, Doyle (who’s already served two terms) might bow out as well. So R2K also tested his most likely replacement, Lt. Gov. Barbara Lawton:

Barbara Lawton (D): 44

Scott Walker (R): 35

Undecided: 21

Barbara Lawton (D): 43

Mark Neumann (R): 35

Undecided: 22

Barbara Lawton (D): 44

Tommy Thompson (R): 46

Undecided: 10

Lawton, who holds a 35-17 favorability rating, fares quite well. Indeed, her numbers are almost identical to Walker’s 33-16 favorables. The fact that she starts off with a natural nine-point advantage does suggest that something fundamental may indeed have changed in Wisconsin. (If so, thanks, Republicans!)

R2K also took a look at the Senate race, where Russ Feingold is up for re-election. While Feingold often makes things a lot more interesting than they have to be (he’s never won with more than 55% of the vote), he looks to be in command at this point:

Russ Feingold (D-inc): 53

Paul Ryan (R): 32

Undecided: 15

Russ Feingold (D-inc): 52

Mark Green: 34

Undecided: 14

Rep. Paul Ryan (WI-01), something of a GOP rising star, has more or less ruled out a run against Feingold. And former Rep. Mark Green, who lost the 2006 gov race against Doyle, is working for an anti-malaria non-profit in DC, following up on his stint as US ambassador to Tanzania. He says he’s not “seeking out” any return to elective office at this time.

And therein lies the real story for Russ Feingold: the Republican cupboard in Wisconsin is pretty bare. Feingold may get very lucky indeed next year. With a solid lead in the polls and no serious opponents in site, the Swing State Project is moving its rating for this race from Likely Democrat to Safe Democrat.

RaceTracker: WI-Gov | WI-Sen

SSP Gubernatorial Rating Changes, 6/10/09

The Swing State Project is changing ratings on five different gubernatorial races, three of which favor Dems and two of which favor the GOP. We’re also republishing our full race rating chart. As always, you can find our perma-post here.

Likely D Lean D Tossup Lean R Likely R
MA (Patrick)

MD (O’Malley)

NM (Open)

OH (Strickland)

WI (Doyle)
CA (Open)

CO (Ritter)

HI (Open)

ME (Open)

OR (Open)
FL (Open)

MI (Open)

MN (Open)

NV (Gibbons)

NJ (Corzine)

PA (Open)

RI (Open)

VA (Open)
AZ (Brewer)

GA (Open)

OK (Open)

TN (Open)
AL (Open)

KS (Open)

SC (Open)

SD (Open)

WY (Open)

Races to Watch:

     AK (Palin)

     CT (Rell)

     IA (Culver)

     IL (Quinn)

     NY (Paterson)

     TX (Perry)

     UT (Herbert)

     VT (Douglas)

  • Georgia (Open): Likely R to Lean R
  • With former Gov. Roy Barnes’ entrance into the race, this contest just became very interesting. Two different surveys (Insider Advantage and Research 2000) have shown Barnes in a good position against a range of possible Republican candidates. Barnes first has to navigate the Dem primary (where Attorney General Thurbert Baker & House Minority Leader DuBose Porter present formidable obstacles), though the only primary poll to date shows him with a big lead, and he may yet clear the field. This race is likely to become more competitive rather than less so as time progresses.

  • Iowa (Culver): Safe D to RTW
  • While we haven’t seen any head-to-head polling in Iowa yet this year, Gov. Chet Culver’s approvals have started to head southward, according to both SurveyUSA and the Des Moines Register. Meanwhile, the GOP appears to have netted a relatively non-crazy candidate, former state House Speaker Chris Rants. Are we really worried about Culver’s prospects? No – or at least, not yet. But with so many incumbent governors taking scorching heat for the brutal economy, this race bears watching.

  • Massachusetts (Patrick): RTW to Likely D
  • Most other folks with poll numbers as lousy as Deval Patrick’s would be in a lot more trouble than this. Luckily, he’s running for re-election in Massachusetts. Still, Kwik-E-Mart magnate Christy Mihos, who garnered 7% of the vote as an independent in 2006, is seeking a rematch, and he got more money than Picasso got paint. It’s enough to give Patrick serious headaches.

  • Minnesota (Open): Lean R to Tossup
  • Even if Tim Pawlenty had decided to seek re-election, this race likely would have reached Tossup status at some point. But with T-Paw busy checking out the color of his parachute, the timetable’s accelerated. The field is very much in flux on both sides, but if anything, Dems will have a slight edge just given the blue background hue of this state.

  • Vermont (Douglas): Safe R to RTW
  • We aren’t getting excited about the possibility of chucking out Republican Jim Douglas just yet. But the Dems have a better slate of potential candidates (including Lt. Gov. Doug Racine and Secretary of State Deb Markowitz) than they have in the past, and Douglas is facing his first election in hard times. He’s started to get dinged on some local issues, and of course had a high-profile defeat on gay marriage. And a January R2K poll showed him with a not-so-hot 52-41 approval rating. The key here will be Vermont’s left-wing Progressive Party; if they hold their fire, then a Democrat could do some real damage.

    VA-Gov Predictions Contest: A Winner Is You!

    First off, as always, thanks to everyone who participated in the Swing State Project’s VA-Gov Dem primary predictions contest. Fifty-seven folks submitted guesses, and what’s particularly awesome is that the skunkworks down at SSP Labs shows we have a flat-out tie for first place! Congratulations to RedefiningForm and stevenaxelrod, who both had winning scores of just four points – you each get half a loaf! Just kidding… send me an email and a super-mega-delicious Green’s babka will be on its way to each of you shortly.

    The actual final results were Deeds 50, McAuliffe 26, Moran 24. For the record, here were the winning guesses, along with the average for all of SSP:


    Deeds: 48

    McAuliffe: 26

    Moran: 26


    Deeds: 48

    McAuliffe: 27

    Moran: 25

    SSP Median

    Deeds: 41.1

    McAuliffe: 31.7

    Moran: 26.7

    If you want to see exactly how you did, please click here. If you aren’t going to be the recipient of tasty babka, please try again next time (or treat yourself!). Thanks again to all, and congrats once more to the winners!

    VA-Gov: How Deeds Won

    Well, it looks like we get to take a jenga break a bit early tonight. We thought we’d open up the floor to what surely is topic #1: how did Creigh Deeds win? And looking forward, what does he need to do to win again in the fall? Please share your thoughts in comments.

    UPDATE: In some not-so-great news, it looks like Democrats have decisively lost the race to hold on to Rep. Parker Griffith’s state Senate seat in Alabama.

    Uncontested, Four-and-a-Half Years Later

    This old Chris Bowers post – in which he suggested Terry McAuliffe run for NY-25 in 2006 – lists 36 House seats we let go uncontested in 2004. What’s most interesting about this list is that Dems now control four of these seats:

    District Member Party PVI District Member Party PVI
    AL-06 Bachus (R) R+29 MS-01 Childers (D) R+14
    AZ-03 Shadegg (R) R+9 MS-03 Harper (R) R+15
    AZ-06 Flake (R) R+15 NY-25 Maffei (D) D+3
    CA-22 McCarthy (R) R+16 OK-03 Lucas (R) R+24
    CA-41 Lewis (R) R+10 OK-04 Cole (R) R+18
    FL-04 Crenshaw (R) R+17 PA-05 Thompson (R) R+9
    FL-07 Mica (R) R+7 PA-10 Carney (D) R+8
    FL-09 Bilirakis (R) R+6 PA-19 Platts (R) R+12
    FL-21 Diaz-Balart (R) R+5 SC-01 Brown (R) R+10
    FL-24 Kosmas (D) R+4 SC-03 Barrett (R) R+17
    FL-25 Diaz-Balart (R) R+5 TN-07 Blackburn (R) R+18
    GA-01 Kingston (R) R+16 TX-03 Johnson (R) R+14
    GA-06 Price (R) R+19 TX-10 McCaul (R) R+10
    GA-07 Linder (R) R+16 TX-13 Thornberry (R) R+29
    GA-10 Broun (R) R+15 TX-14 Paul (R) R+18
    KS-01 Moran (R) R+23 VA-01 Wittman (R) R+7
    KY-05 Rogers (R) R+16 VA-06 Goodlatte (R) R+12
    LA-04 Fleming (R) R+11 VA-07 Cantor (R) R+9

    Obviously most of these districts are still utterly brutal territory. But we very nearly won two others in 2008 – LA-04 and SC-01. We also seriously contested four other seats last year (AZ-03, FL-21, FL-25 & TX-10), and came very close to winning NY-25 in 2006 (before Dan Maffei cruised to victory the following cycle). There aren’t too many other opportunities on this list, barring scandal or an open seat. Obama lost VA-01 by just 51-48, but we got crushed there in a special election in 2007. Still, it’s interesting to see how things have changed in just a few short years.

    VA-Gov: Deeds Takes Big Lead in PPP’s Final Poll

    Public Policy Polling is going to release their final VA-Gov survey very shortly. Tom Jensen teased us with this:

    Looks like a tight race in Virginia… for second place. The undecideds seem to almost all be moving in the same direction.

    I’m not going to call the race like I did the Saturday before the election for Kay Hagan based on early returns from our final poll because preferences in this race have been so fluid. But it doesn’t look like things are going to be as close on Tuesday as the polling in the last week suggested.

    What do you think the numbers will look like? For reference, their prior numbers are here. We’ll post the results just as soon as PPP makes them available.

    UPDATE (James): It’s out.

    Public Policy Polling (6/6-7, likely voters, 5/28-31 in parens):

    Creigh Deeds (D): 40 (27)

    Terry McAuliffe (D): 26 (24)

    Brian Moran (D): 24 (22)

    Undecided: 10 (26)

    (MoE: ±3.0%)

    Wow. What a huge movement for Creigh Deeds in just a few short weeks. Remember, Deeds was lagging at 14% in PPP’s 5/1-3 poll, but a well-timed endorsement from the Washington Post was clearly the catalyst for Deeds’ remarkable surge — and probably also a sign that a sizable share of Moran and McAuliffe’s support was pretty soft in the first place. Indeed, in the vote-rich DC burbs in Northern Virginia, where Deeds has been almost a non-factor for much of the race, Deeds has now pulled ahead of Moran by a 38-35 margin, with 20% going to McAuliffe.

    And speaking of McAuliffe, take a look at his horrid favorability rating; among Democratic primary voters, just as many voters have a favorable opinion of the ex-DNC chair as those who dislike him (40%-40%). That’s pretty brutal. If Deeds can hold onto his lead on Tuesday, we may be dodging a major bullet here.

    Of course, the usual caveats apply: Pegging the primary voter universe is a notoriously tough business (especially in an ultra-low turnout state like Virginia), and the ground game will be key on Tuesday. For now, though, the momentum is clearly at the back of Deeds.

    VA-Gov: The Swing State Project Poll

    No, we haven’t hired R2K. Rather, we’re curious to know who folks here would vote for if given the opportunity this Tuesday. So whether you live in Virginia or not, please let us know who you’d support in this SSP poll. And feel free to elaborate in comments!

    By what margin will Bob Shamansky win?

    View Results

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    VA-Gov: Deeds Keeps Climbing in New SUSA Survey (Updated)

    SurveyUSA (5/31-6/2, likely voters, mid-May in parens):

    Terry McAuliffe (D): 35 (37)

    Brian Moran (D): 26 (22)

    Creigh Deeds (D): 29 (26)

    Other/Undecided: 11 (14)

    (MoE: ±4.4%)

    Cap’n, will you have a look a’ that!

    Deeds was also the only candidate of the three to improve in head-to-heads against Bob McDonnell – in the last poll, he trailed 46-40, but is now just a point back at 44-43. McAuliffe and Moran both treaded water. The primary is this coming Tuesday, June 9th. Once again, SSP will be here to liveblog the results.

    UPDATE (James): Suffolk has released a poll this morning showing Deeds with 29% to McAuliffe’s 26%, with Moran at 23%. And with that, Deeds takes the lead in Pollster.com’s graph.

    NY-Sen-B: Reports Say Maloney to Challenge Gillibrand

    The lede of this CQ piece has a surreal feel to it:

    Rep. Carolyn B. Maloney plans to announce a primary challenge to Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand on her Web site Thursday morning, according to two sources including a member of New York’s congressional delegation.

    Maloney disputed that characterization in a brief hallway interview.

    “Where did you get that from?” she asked. “It’s not true.”

    Regardless of the timing or venue, several of her New York colleagues, including Reps. Jerrold Nadler and Anthony D. Weiner, said Maloney has told them she will run. She has also indicated to political allies in her “silk stocking” district on Manhattan’s Upper East Side that she is preparing a bid.

    So CQ has knowledgeable, high-level sources who say that Maloney is preparing a run, but Maloney denies it to their faces? Perhaps she was just disputing CQ’s claims about the “timing or venue,” as they say, but even so, this is kind of embarrassing. If you’re going to take on someone with as much grit, fundraising prowess, and establishment backing as Kirsten Gillibrand, faltering out the gate like this is seriously small-time. I guess we’ll find out the truth tomorrow, but still… weak.

    Anyhow, if Maloney does run, I’m sure it will set off a hot primary in her safe blue (D+26) seat – which just so happens to be the Congressional district I’ve lived in for my entire life. So what do you say, folks? State Sen. Liz Krueger, Assemblyman Jonathan Bing, Councilwoman Jessica Lappin… or SSP Blogfather and People-Powered Prophet DavidNYC? James will be accepting applications for my campaign staff in the comments.